soul and maka ( strawberries and mint)

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OK so I'm make yet another soul eater fan fiction its strawberries and mint doujinshi but this one is in a book if you want to the the comic go here ok hope you like and none of the charters are mine

like strawberries and mint, you're like breath to fresh air to me. Always to The End. <3


its morning Soul hurry and get up! smiling wale i walked in the room. M-morning Maka soul said in a surprised way i opened my eyes to blair on top of him. Aw, Soul-kun, come on now...! anger felled up in me...SOUL! Blair butted in Maka calm down! i think soul has a fever! Huh? i looked at him in shock i rustle his hair out of the way and put my hand on his forehead. Are you aright soul? then he slap my hand off of him whats your problem I'm just worried about you i yelled at him, that's the last thing we need both of us getting sick he said back.


She looked surprised ill be fine if i sleep it off go to school said in my sleepy voice ill go shopping on my way back from school, is there anything you want to eat? she asked. i turned to look at her... ... shortcake. i said softly she looked that me funny um... what? just forget it I'm not that hungry anyway ill just get something random to eat later on.said annoyed there you go again putting up a front... .. well, I'm leaving no she said walking out the room. Maka she turn to look at me I'm sorry i cant drive you to school today. its pretty far from here right.?i sad ...its OK soul its nice to be able to  walk in a while so..! thank you soul. I'm leaving she said cheerfully shutting the door.

Blair jumped on the bed in her cat form are you all right soul-kun? its all very well and good telling her to go head, but theirs all kinds of dangers waiting out their for her... i moaned Great now I'm too worried to go back to sleep. staring out the window.

that's all for right now hope you liked and don't for get to look at the comic ill be up date-in soon :)

soul and maka ( strawberries and mint)Where stories live. Discover now