Tears & Fears

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I missed mom and could barley keep my mind together. A tear started rolling out of my eye and everything got blurry. It was my first day here and I already hated it. I reached up to wipe the tear away but jolted my hand away surprised by a loud bump. I was so lost in my own thought I couldn't tell where it came from. Then my door knob jiggled then click the little lock button pulled in. Someone had locked my door.

 I sniffed "He Hello" I could slowly feel my eye's grow larger as their was no answer. "Grandma?" A deep exhale from the other side of the door. Then. "I thought you were asleep I was just locking the door for the night." Grandma's voice something I didn't know could be so soothing . But the tremor in her voice and her locking my door was enough to scare me again.

 "Why'd you lock it?"

 "Don't come out until morning"

Then I heard her go downstairs. That did it for me I grabbed my blanket and pulled it into my chest I sobbed as quietly as I could. I swear I could hear an echo in my sobs as if someone else was crying in the other room.

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