Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I ran on the bus and practically dove into the seat next to Ava and wiped the sweat off my head. I felt some hardcore stares so, i looked at Ava and her eyes were wide open and her mouth was open like she just saw flying pigs.

"whats up with the face" I asked

"w-hat- why did drew hug you" she asked astonished

"I dont know! I wish I knew"

"Damn girl I see you" Marisa said from behind me

I turned around to see her giving me the creepiest smirk possible.

"Omg no its nothing like that"

"mhm girl you tell that to him" she replied

"ha I rather not tell him anything or talk to him"

"I think he likes you" Ava said

"I think hes a fuck boy and would like anything that can talk and that has a vagina"

"Thats kinda true" Marisa said

"But who knows you could change him" Ava said with a wink

"Woah nooo I'm not looking for a relationship here" I replied

After I said that the conversation got changed to boys in general and who they both liked. I was glad the subject changed but I still couldn't help but wonder why he hugged me in the first place. what compelled him to do such a thing. Its not like were friends or anything, or is that what he thinks.... ugh I have no idea what this crazy boy is thinking boy is thinking about.
My bus stop finally came, it felt a lot longer today but that was probably because Ava and Marisa couldn't stop talking about their little crushes. Wait no its not a crush its a freaking obsession! Those girls are crazy I swear. Not long after I get home Ava messages me asking to go to the mall to hang out and of course i say yes.

I decided to put on a little bit of makeup because, we could see some cute guys. You always have to be prepared for that. Then I slipped out of my crusty school clothes and put on a more appealing outfit. I usually dress like crap for school because I don't care, it's school. As I finished I get a text from Ava saying she's outside. So I ran downstairs to ask my mom if I could go and she usually doesn't care but I have to make sure so she doesn't freak.
"Hey mom can I go with Ava to the mall"
"Yeah sure come home at a decent time, you still of school tomorrow"
"I know thanks. I'll see you later"
Before I left she handed me a bunch of cash even though I already had some. She always does that, she acts like I'm trying to but a flipping house.

As I approach Ava's car I see that there is someone sitting in the back. So when I open the door my mouth drops. I see Drew and he's staring back at me wide eyes and started looking me up and down.
"Woah there keep your eyes up here" I say while sliding into the car. He says nothing and sits there looking amazed like he just met a famous person.
"Hey viola! How are you? This is Drew Ava's cousin." Ava's mom says very cheerful. I love Ava's mom she's so nice, well Atleast to me.
"I'm good how are you?" I reply
"I'm doing wonderful, thanks for asking!" She says

I could feel drews stare burning the side of my face, I could probably get a 3rd degree burn from him. Meanwhile I was giving Ava a 3rd degree burn because she failed to tell me that Drew, Drew out of all people is her cousin. Surly Ava felt my stare and looked back and gave me a smile,  not just any smile, a please don't hurt me smile.

"okay please stop staring at me its starting to hurt the side of my face" I whispered as I leaned over to drew

I was waiting for a smart reply back but he just looked straight forward. That blew me away, when has Drew never had anything to say. Ha I have him speechless, I have Drew Speechless. Now this is a time I would like to remember. 


We finally got dropped off at the mall and headed to the food court. So then we can find someone for drew and I can have a nice long talk with Ava. Also so my fat self can eat because I'm so freaking hungry. 

Once we got there I soon regretted saying 'Now this is a time I would like to remember' because it soon turned into a time id like to forget. Jose, Cameron, Jake and Hunter were all sitting at a table. Im pretty sure waiting for Drew to come. 

"well look at that im not hungry anymore, drew have fun with your friends" I said while trying to run off.

"oh no you don't princessa" Drew said pulling me with him. 

"hey drew, who's this pretty girl you got with you" Cameron smirked 

"ugh you disgust me cameron" I replied 

"Holy shit thats viola" Jake said 

"No  way bro she's not that hot" cameron said

"Yes its viola you idiots" I snapped 

"You sure do look good" hunter added 

"yeah I know" I said crossing my arms.

"So why don't ever look this good at school" Cameron said while Jake and Drew hit him in the back of the head  

"Thats because its school i really don't care im there to learn not dress to impress" I scowled 

"Touche" Cameron replied. 

" Well I'll leave you idots" I said trying to run off 

"Not so fast, why don't you and your little friend join us" Cameron said pulling me back and smirking. 

"well I don't want to bother you boys" I said while forcing a smile.

" Were good" they all replied 

"Fine" I said glaring at them.

This is going to be a long night. I really wish I was home right now, oh how much I wish.


Im truly sorry its been so long but i'm already working on the next part so stay tuned. If you have any ideas i'd love to hear them so comment or send me a message and I'll try to reply :P. This is by far the longest chapter so i hope you enjoy.




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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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