Chapter 12

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I brought Ben back to the Monster Hunter world. We were once again in my little house in the town. Ben glanced around before looking at me.

"Monster Hunter? We're not going on another hunt, are we?"

I shook my head. "No, we're gonna do something much more relaxing."

He then smirked at me. "Well since we're here, could you wear that sexy Narga-what's it armor again?"

I giggled. "You mean Nargacuga? Only for you, Ben."

I left the room and got changed into the revealing armor Ben likes so much. When I came back out, Ben stared at me with a wide grin on his face.

I flashed him a smile as I walked past him. "C'mon, let's go."

Ben's pov

I followed Digitalia out into the town. I can't believe she agreed to wear that just for me.

She also said we're doing something relaxing. That gives me a good chance to show her how much I love her. Wait, did I just say love? I mentally shrugged. Yeah, I admit it, I love everything about her. She's the greatest girl I've ever met.

I stared at her as she walked ahead of me. Thanks to that outfit, the view back here is amazing.

My eyes traveled up and down her body, finally stopping at her butt. I watched the way her hips swayed back and forth with each step she took.

So many thoughts began swirling around in my head. I could just picture me grabbing her by the waist and pressing her back against me while I gave her hickies and love bites across her neck.

Digitalia's pov

Finally making it to the arena, I turned back toward Ben. "Here we are."

I noticed that Ben seemed to be staring off in space with a look of content on his face. I waved my hand in front of him.


He shook his head before focusing on me. "Huh?"

"I said we're here. Welcome to the arena."

Ben looked around at the huge stadium. I led him over and sat him down with me toward the front of the arena. We had a great view of the area below us.

With a wave of my hand and a grin on my face, I revived the group of girls responsible for my death. They all looked around in a panic as I had a monster released into the stadium.

The girls screamed and split up, running from the large, wolf monster that was chasing after them. I giggled and looked over at Ben.

"Enjoyable, right?"

He nodded, his eyes glued to the action. "Yeah. What's that monster down there?"

I looked back down at the beast. "That's a Zinogre. Cunning, fast, and wielding the power of lightning, a Zinogre makes a formidable opponent."

"And what about those girls down there? They don't look like they're from this world."

My mood instantly dropped as I looked down at my lap. "They' one important."

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Ben turn his head toward me. "No one important? That doesn't sound like something you'd say."

I glanced up at him before returning my gaze to the action below. "I don't really want to talk about it."

It was quiet for a moment as I noticed the Zinogre had killed all the girls. The beast was removed from the arena before I revived the girls again with a frown making its way across my lips.

The next monster brought out was a Deviljho. I watched blankly as the girls began running for their lives once again.

"Okay, something's definitely up. You know those girls, don't you? Why else would you revive them only to have them killed again?"

I sighed and turned my head away. I felt Ben's arm snake around my waist as I felt him scoot closer. "C'mon, babe. Tell me."

I let out a sigh of annoyance before turning my head back to him. "Those girls get what they deserve. They're the ones who..."

I averted my gaze. "...killed me."

It was quiet until Ben let out a low chuckle, causing me to look at him again. "I get it. You're right, this is what they deserve."

Seeing the smile on his face as he looked at me caused me to smile too. "Actually, I should be thanking them. They're the the ones who made me this way. And thanks to them, I met the greatest guy ever, you."

I noticed his eyes widened slightly, causing me to smirk. "What's wrong, Ben? Can't take a compliment?"

He remained quiet as he moved even closer to me with a grin on his face. "You are so sexy right now."

His hands began traveling over my sides and legs. "What about me is so sexy?"

His eyes scanned my body before looking into mine again. "Everything. Your body, your face, your personality."

"What about my lips?"

He glanced down at my lips and slowly leaned closer to my face. "Extremely sexy, and they look so...appetizing."

In an instant, Ben pushed his lips against mine, his arms wrapping around me. My eyes fluttered shut as I snaked my arms around his neck, kissing back.

The kiss was rough and forceful at first, but gradually became gentler and passionate. When we finally parted, we were both panting slightly while staring into each others eyes.

"I love you, Digitalia."

"Love you too, Ben."

I just now realized that the girls had all been killed again. I revived them and left them stuck in the arena until next time. I took Ben back to my house where I changed out of my armor and back into my regular clothes.

"Awww, and you looked so hot in that armor!"

I giggled at him. "Don't worry, Ben. I'll dress up for you anytime."

His frown quickly turned into a grin. I grabbed his hand and started to jump out of the game and back to the Slender Mansion.

My Creepypasta OC: Digitalia's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now