My Way of Saying GoodBye

45 7 20

Don't you wait for me

cause i'm running through the hills 

And i love how it feels

Don't you wait for, have many miles left to go 

for i have nothing left to show

Don't you dare wonder what went wrong

There is still to many things you can't understand

I had seen sunny days  i thought it would never end

Now all that is left is hard rain

Now all i can see is your eyes

They are showing your in pain

Don't  you wait for me

I don't think i can make it any way

Don't be afraid there come a day

You'll see when love will not break your heart

But dismiss your fears

Don't you look at me that way

I always told you i wasn't here to stay

Don't you wait for me

I'm lacking direction

You don't need my protection

I'm to reckless, self-centered 

I don't know which way the wind blows

I'm to busy watching which way the river flows

Don't you wait for me 

Don't you cry

Don't you hurt

Don't replace wrong with right 

I'm better off on my own 

I'm better off left alone 

Don't you wait for me

Don't you see i was born a rolling stone

I have no home

Don't tell me which way the wind blows

Cause i'm running through the hills 

And i love how it feels

Don't you wait for, have many miles left to go 

For i have nothing left to show

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2013 ⏰

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