Chapter 3

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Next Day at the Rooney Home

Maddie awoke kind of late after a long and exhausting practice.  She came down the stairs for breakfast to see her twin at the kitchen table.

"Good Morning sleepyhead!  you missed breakfast"    

Maddie simply yawns and sits down at the table "yea practice ran late and I was exhausted" 

"Well I hope you don't have any plans today cause I invited Josh over' Liv tells her 

"That's  cool"  Maddie replies pouring herself some juice

"So what do you think of Josh?" Liv asks casually 

"He's cool" Maddie replies

Liv nods and there is a silence then she speaks up again

"Do you think he's cute?" she ask

"Uh he's alright" Maddie replies  not sure exactly where this was coming from 

"So would you ever go out with him?"  Liv suddenly asks

Maddie's eyes widen "what? where is this coming from?" she asks

"No reason, just asking" Liv assures

"Liv, I'm not really interested in dating anyone at the moment"

Liv sighs "Maddie I know your sad right now but you have to get back out there and be the old Maddie again"

"Liv, I'm still the same Maddie" she assures

"No your not, you smile and and go about your business but it's not the same"

Maddie doesn't know how to respond to that. Had she really changed? ever since Diggy left she felt that she did well at hiding her emotions but apparently she wasn't good as she thought she was.


Maddie was in the back yard playing basketball . As she was shooting Liv's words still ran through her head.

She shot and missed

"You're losing your touch" a voice said. Maddie turned and there was Josh standing by the door

She chuckles "I don't think so" she shoots again and scores 

"I stand corrected" he says

Maddie smiles and then remembers her conversation with Liv and suddenly felt uncomfortable. Sure Josh was a good-looking guy but she had never really thought of him in that way.

"So uh Liv invited me over" he explains

"Yeah she told me" Maddie tells him

Josh nods and then snatches the ball from her 

"You up for a little one on one?" 

"LA boy can play?" Maddie teases

"Are you doubting my skills?" he asks with a smirk

"Yes, yes I am" she chuckles

He goes to shoot and scores 

"Oh it's on" Maddie tells him

They play ball, Josh was way better than Maddie would have thought. eventually they were both tied and Josh goes to shoot and Maddie goes to block him but ends up tripping and falling to the ground.

"Oh my gosh Maddie are you okay" Josh drops the ball and rushes over to help

"Yeah I'm fine" Maddie assures. she had simply scraped her knee but no serious damage

"Are you sure?" he asks concerned 

"Josh, I'm fine it's just a scrape"

"Here let me help you up" he grabs Maddie's hands and helps her stand up. They end up both standing  facing each other and they just stay like that staring at each other longer than necessary. As soon as Josh's hand touch hers she freezes she can't move all she can do is stare at him. She has never felt like that before she had no idea what was going on with her. 

Liv was wondering where Josh was, she was expecting him a while ago. She walks out back and when she gets there she see Josh and Maddie there in what looked like a private moment and she  tried to back out slowly without them hearing her but she accidentally knocks over a bucket that makes a loud noise causing Maddie and Josh to jump away from each other.

"Hi, sorry didn't mean to interrupt" 

"Uh it's okay, I need to  go clean up my scrape" Maddie says wanting to get away as fast as she could.  Josh is just left  staring at her as she runs off.

Liv approaches him with "Now what exactly was that all about?" she asks with a knowing grin

"Nothing she just fell and I helped her up" Josh explained

"Sure whatever you say" Liv smirks as Josh avoids looking her in the eyes.

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