Chapter 2

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Maddie had to admit that hanging around the set was pretty fun she liked watching how a show was really made and all the amazing stunts they had to do. she loved seeing her twin in action and she also loved getting out of the house and out of her head as well .

 she was glad she had decided to come.

"So what did you think?" Liv asks excitedly as she skips towards Maddie

"Liv that  was awesome. i didn't know all the work it takes to do an episode"

"I know i make it look so easy" Liv says very proud of herself and Maddie just laughs

"well I'm going to get  out of my costume and then we can go to lunch" 

"sounds good i'm starved" Maddie says grabbing her stomach

Liv leaves to the dressing room and  as she is waiting Josh approaches her

"Hey Maddie, so what did you think?"  he asks

"you  were pretty good out there, especially that flip you did at the end" Maddie compliments him. she had to admit Josh was very good at stunts they had him flipping and being thrown it was very cool to watch.

"Thanks, it was kind of fun, better than being thrown against the lockers, less painful too" Josh jokes

Maddie laughs

Liv comes out  and sees them talking and smiles and walks over to them

"Hey Liv, you ready to go?" Maddie asks

"yep" Liv answers and then she turns to Josh "Hey Josh why don't you come with us, Maddie  and i were going to get something to eat would you like to join us?" 

"Thanks but i wouldn't want to impose on your sister time" josh says

"We don't mind, come on it will be fun, right maddie?" she turns to her twin

"yea you should totally come." maddie tells him

Josh smiles "Okay let me go get changed" 

He leaves to change 


At the restaurant

"Thanks you guys for inviting me, this place is great" josh says looking around admiring the place

"Your gonna love it here you should really try their burgers" Maddie  tells him

"Sounds good" he smiles at the blonde sitting across from him

Liv smiles at how adorable they look 

"Hey I'm going tot eh bathroom, ill be right back" she gets up and leaves

"So how you liking  Stevens Point?" Maddie asks

"i like it here, it's nice and calm nothing like LA" Josh tells her

"have you made any new friends?

"well liv of course and i guess Wilow and Andie..oh yea and then Dumbstruck" josh chuckle "and you..we are friends right?" he asks

"of course" Maddie assures him

"good" Josh smiles

Liv returns from the restroom

"so you guys ready to order?"


After they had finished eating they sat there and were talking when Maddie gets a text

"Hey guys gotta go.  Dad just texted all the girls for a last minute Basketball Practice" she explains

"aww, but we were having fun" Liv pouts

"You  can stay i'll see you at home"

"I guess ill see you around maddie" josh says also sad to see her go

Maddie nods "Bye you guys"  she gets up and leaves

Once Maddie has left the restaurant Liv turns to Josh "so have you told her?"

josh looks at her "told who what? he asks

Liv rolls her eyes " Maddie, have you told her you like her?"

Josh sighs "no i haven't "

"Why?" Liv asks

"I don't want to rush it, you said her boyfriend just left what f she's not ready to see someone else. i don't want to freak her out" josh explains

"Plus i don't even know if she likes me" he adds

"Well spend more time with her. why don't you come over to the house tomorrow and we can all hang out again" liv says all excited

Josh smiles at the idea of getting to spend more time with Maddie

"Okay, I'm in"

"YAY" Liv claps excitedly

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