CHAPTER 2 (Edited)

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"are you sure about this bella?" james asked worriedly.
"just shut up dude! its only a tattoo im not gonna die" i rolled my eyes.
"yeah your such a drama queen"ethan said mimicking a girly voice.
"just shut up! your just lucky you found your mate" james rolled his eyes. making me look at them.
" james!!" ethan hissed.
"ooopps!" james covered his mouth.
"mate and you didn't tell me! how could you ethan" i said dramatically.
"aww come on, it was supposed to be a SURPRISE" he emphasized the word surprise while glaring at james.
"so who's the unlucky girl?" i wiggled my eyebrow teasing him.
"its sara!" he said dreamily.
"man your so whipped." james teased wiggling his eyebrows laughing.
"lets see when you find your mate" ethan laughed.
"you both are crazy" i laugh at their stupid characters.
"but you love us" james wriggled his eyebrows.
"yes she does"ethan smirk.
"of course you both are my stupid big brothers" i smiled sincerely looking at them.
"so about your flight to pensylvnia its tomorrow morning" ethan sighed
"and drake will pick you up from the airport" james said.
"thats cool an alpha picking me up" i chuckled but the boys remained silent i just shrug and spend the last day here with them playing call of duty and eating pizza, fries, ice cream and we had movie marathon.

NEX DAY (airport)

"leave your things here! your going to have a new wardrobe in there"james winked.
"im gonna miss our bondings and you guys" i said tears slipping down my cheeks.
"oh shut up were gonna visit you there during holidays" ethan screamed excitedly.
"thats cool" i giggled..
"flight bound for pensylvania is now boarding." the speaker announced.
"guess i have to go boys" i cried.
"were gonna miss you" they both said and hugged me.
"me to take care you too" i smiled and walked away.

when i boarded the airplane and settled on my seat. the pilot announced that we were taking of and its gonna be a long day.

"goodbye alexander" i whispered and the plane took off i closed my eyes and dozed off.
i woke up to the sound of the pilot announcing that we already reached our destination which was pensylvania i got ready and looked out the window whispering welcome to a brand new start.
when i got off the plane i walked out the arrival area looking around for someone named drake which i have never met.

"hey your isabella right" A good looking guy approached me.
"i am" i smiled.
"im drake alpha of black blood pack" he smiled and offered me a hand shake.
"nice to meet you drake" i smiled and shook his hand.

we had a conversation while we were on our way to his pack house, when we got there we headed straight to the dining area since it was already lunch the dining area was packed with people from his pack i assumed he cleared his throat making them silent and turn to look at the both of us.

"everyone this is Isabella Jade Amber Cristals" he said in a straight and loud voice.
making me akwardly smile since im not fond of the attention, they responded with hello's and hi.
"you have a very big pack alpha" i complemented drake.
"please call me drake" he laughed two guys and a girl approached us.
"yow man" the first guy greeted and did their handshake thingy.
"omg a new bestie" the girl squeled and hugged me.
"calmdown babe" the second guy chuckled pulling the girl away from me.
"oh isabella this is my beta and 3rd in command and my beta female" drake introduced.
"im justin i am the beta" the 2nd guy smiled.
"and im nicka your future bestest of friend and the mate of this shithead" she babbled making us chuckle but justin glared at them making them shut up.
"and i am rider" the last guy who i suppose is the third in command smiled.
"nice meeting you guys" i smiled at them.
"nicka. bella here does not have any clothes do you mind lending her clothes and tomorrow you both will go shopping" drake said, making nicka babble about style and making me laugh. we ate lunch and after that nicka showed me to my room and lend me some pj's.

when i entered the room i was amaze that it fits my taste and i knew it was the boys who told them the walls were dark grey with red blood swirls, and a king size bed with black mixed with red sheets in the middle. and there was another 2 doors i entered the first door and i found myself in a very big bathroom.

there was a very big bathtub sink with attached mirror it was very elegant i got out and entered the second door, it was a walk in empty closet it was red and white and in the corner i see make up table this was my dream life.

I changed into the shorts and shirt nicka gave me and layed in my bed till i fell into my deep sleep.

when i woke up i gazed on the side of the bed to check the time. i realize it was already 7am, i quickly got up and scurried to the kitchen and made breakfast since no one was up yet, i was just getting done when a voice startled me.

"what are you doing?" a deep voice spoke making me jump and drop the egg.
"shit, sorry im cooking breakfast" i said turning around to find drake leaning in the kitchen door frame his arms were crossed in his chest.
"you don't have to there is a chef that makes us breakfast" he smiled and stared at my legs shit i forgot.
"oh shit, sorry forgot to change" i barely whipered.
'what's with the scars on your legs" he asked.
"um err long story" i said.
"lets have a breakfast together, since its just the two of us up yet" he smiled. and i just nod and sat on the left side beside him.

and we started eating. then i told him everything in my life. and when we got finish i realize i was crying he got up and hugged me.

then we heard awws we quickly pulled away and saw a crowd behind us making me blush, then my eyes landed on nicka she was smiling ear to ear and boy it was so creepy.


Me and violet were having fun and i smelled this very amazing scent i was tempted to see who it was knowing that was my mate but i decided to finish what im doing since this will be the last time would play around.
then the door opened and stood there isabella the bitch who took my mom away.

"Hell no!!"I swore shouting angrily.
"why the fuck are you here bitch" violet screeched making me growl in annoyance.
"hold there you stinky bitch violet go to the bathroom now" I growled using my alpha tone making violet grab the towel beside her and making her run to the bathroom.
"you know what's gonna happen right" I hissed in anger.
"yes and before you do it im doing it first I ISABELLA JADE AMBER CRISTALS reject you ALEXANDER AARON JAMES KING. you can now fuckyourself alexander goodbye" she said coldly there was no other emotions i could see in her,

she walked away not turning back. i felt my heart being ripped into pieces i jumped out the window and transform in my jet black wolf and ran.

"this is all your fault dickhead!" my wolf kale said angrily.
"how is it my fault you shit face" i threw back.
"Really alexander do you want me to tell you all those horrible things you did to our mate!!" he said darkly and beggan telling me what i did making me realize it was all my fault but when i came back it was too late she was gone.

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