Chapter 38

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It was 1 week after the bloody war. Everything was perfect. Everyone was happy and today the leaders are heading back to there kingdoms.

I was eating my breakfast. While i putted jacob in his high chair. I was happy. The gang was happily eating. But i noticed christian he seems nervous.

"Girls!" I mindlinked the girls.
"Yes!" Sheena said without looking up.
"Why mind link when we can talk in person!" Sarah rolled her eyes.
"Because this thing is privatr!" Nicka butted in.
"Did u notice christian lately?" I asked.
"Oh my gosh i thought it was just me!" Sarah gushed.
"Yeah his tots been weird!" Nicka eyed him.
"Maybe we should confront him?" Sheena suggested. Making us nod.

"You girls are talking in your mindlink again!" Rider rose his eyebrows.
"They do that alot!" Aldric smirk.
"My gosh just let them go guys!" James sighed.
"Yeah they do that alot!" Ethan laughed.
"Because theyre girls!" Justin said in a high pitch voice. We noticed christian being deep in thought.

"Christian!?" I called. But he was really lost in his imagination.

"Christian!!!" Me and the girls screamed. Making him jump and fall on the floor.

"What?" He said. Rubbing his head.
"Can i have a word with you at my office?" I asked.
"Yeah sure!" He rolled his eyes.
"Guys could you look out for jacob" i asked the gang they nodded.

I headed into my office. Waiting for christian.

"So whats up twinnie?" He entered my office. And sat down the couch. Setting his feet on the coffee table.

"Weve notice you lately?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Uhm nothing is uhm erm wrong!" He said nervously.

"Spill!" I crossed my arms.

"Well ive met my mate. And uhm she's a the erm she's Angela!" He said.

"No kidding Angela!! The leader of angels?" I asked surprised.

"Yes! And uhm weve decided that id come with her and uhm rule beside her!" I could practically see the big sweat rolling down from his fore head.

We called moms and pops and they were happy. We approved chris's decision on coming with angela. And we were throwing a party tonight.

Alfred didnt comeback to see me. After all this week. I raised jacob with the help of mom dad and the gang.

I know in future this kid i am raising will be fighting his own war.

And this is my story.
I am catherine princess giana chanel the rejected wolf. That has comeback for her revenge.

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