Chapter 3

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The meeting went okay. They told us we were in charge of making sure our bunks were made up, the station was spotless, all our girls got to class on time, make sure we all had clean clothes, and most of all we support each other through these next intense 6 weeks. They released us ,but told us to go meet our SSG in the dorm rooms so we could get our beds and have another meeting with them. We left out in a straight line and did as they said. When we get to our dorms our SSG are standing in a horizontal line with 4 plastic bags each that had toiletries in them. We took them and stood in a horizontal line but in front of your Drill SSG.  

A lady popped out from the SSG's line and said to go with tour assigned SSG. 

We did as she said.  

SSG Crawford leaded the way to four bunk in the far right corner of the room. 

SSG Crawford then said these are you guys bunks. 

Yes ma'am SSG Crawford. 

Alright Fields you know your duties and you know what I expect from you right. 

I wanted to say no I have no idea but I already knew to not say that. 

Yes ma'am I do. 

Well then head down stairs so you can eat and shower. Lights out at 10. You all have a big day tomorrow.  

Before she walked away she winked at me and smiled. 

And said goodbye beautiful.

~!~! Day Break !~!~ 

The United States National Anthem played while they yelled get up! 

I jumped up and hit my bed on the rails of the bed. 

I jumped up off the bed and bumped into Yolanda who had a huge smile on her face ,which made me put a smile on my face as well.  

White shot past me into the bathroom.  

Jackson was dragging to get dressed.  

I whispered to her hurry girl we can't be late the first day. 

Damn, is Baker really still sleeping I hit her on her butt , and she pops up saying she woke. 

Yeah, yeah,yeah your woke. Now get your ass up and dress for we be late. 

she gets dress in her pt uniform and run to the bathroom.  

I put my shoes on and run to the bathroom as well. 

I brush my teeth and lead my team to the track field for pt.

We get out just in time and get in line. 

I see the other groups being stop at the gate and yelled at the by the older men drill SSG. I kinda feel sorry for them but their not my crew. I did my job. I look around and notice Ashley Davidson about two lines over from me. Ashley Davidson is Jackson girlfriend. Which made me immediately made me put to and to together on how Jackson got here.

SSG Tonya Bills started yelling making me give her my attention immediately.

She gives us orders to give her 2 miles, 25 push up,and 55 pull ups.

I instantly hear a girl groan behind me.

I then hear SSG Bills tell us get started then I hear someone tell us to...STOP!! DON'T YOU MOVE ONE DAMN MUSCLE?!

I look up to see a woman. She introduces herself as SSG Angie Wells.

"Why the hell do I see only 5 whole teams, when i know damn well it 13 groups? ",says SSG Wells

No one answers her.

So nobody hears me huh? Well if your team is all here step to the left and if your missing one of your teammates step to the fucking right!

My whole team and four more teams stepped to the left.

Now y'all have a seat on the ground.

I am about to demonstrate what happens when you leaving your men behind.

I then heard SSG Crawford walk up to us and ask who got us all up this morning. I answered. White was already up, and i woke up, then Jackson, and Baker. Good keep it that way never be late I hate when i have to punish my group.

These 5 teams will be released on cleaning duties for the next week and the rest of you will have double. yell SSG Crawford.

Then SSG Bills then told everyone to do as she told them.

We did as we were told.

~!~! Lunch Time !~!~

Were sitting a table in the middle in the very back. Walks in Jackson's girlfriend. Jackson notices and immediately a huge smile appears! I laughed and so does everyone else.

I ask Jackson is she going to invite her boo to the table. 

No, and she's not my boo anymore. She's my fiance! But, i'll see you guys back in class, okay!

Don't be late and don't get caught I whisper to her, and she ran off into the hall.

Her fiance could've at least waited 5 to 10 minutes for she walked out as well. "says, Baker.

Well, as long as they don't get caught I don't give two fucks what they do. Now let's go before we be late.

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