Chapter Two: Edited

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IMPORTANT:Song of the day is Intoxication by Xiah Junsu. If you're going to listen to it, open it up in Youtube because its in Japanese ( or Korean, not sure) so you can't understand the lyrics unless you look at the subs. TVXQ fans will have probably already heard this song but it should be new to all non-Kpop fans.

Edited 8/28/2011: I double posted the first chapter but if you kept reading, you got to this part. Anyway, I edited so that you just got the chapter.


Aaron wheeled himself down the hallways in the wheelchair they forced him to use. He used his strength more which made him go faster.

His momentum gained until he was going so fast he couldn’t stop. A little girl was slowly toddling along the hallways and Aaron struggled to stop himself.

Suddenly, a man flashed out in front of him, grabbing up the little girl and setting her off to the side. Then he came up behind Aaron and pulled the wheelchair to a stop.

Aaron prepared to be admonished but only heard a chuckle.

“That looks like hecka fun!” said the man.

Aaron looked at him and instead of a man saw what looked like a boy. He looked to be about 18 with chocolate brown hair, mischievous brown eyes, and he was very tall about 6 feet. He was slender and wore skinny jeans and a gray and blue long-sleeved striped shirt. He had on nerd chic glasses. The annoyingly “gay” outfit looked guy on this probably because of his slender, almost feminine build.

“Hi. I’m Johnson. Well, that’s my last name but I hate my first name so I just go by Johnson. You can call me John or Johnny. Wow, you’re so cute, are you hurt?”

Aaron blinked and then recovered. “Obviously or I wouldn’t be in this stupid hospital gown.”

“I particularly like when young men like yourself wear them. Especially when they’re as toned as you look. I bet you look even better when you haven’t been in a hospital bed since months ago.”

Aaron tilted his head like a confused puppy.

“Are you gay?” asked Aaron, a disgusted look on his face.

The boy tapped his chin and said, “What is gay? I am happy.”

“As in you like men?” snapped Aaron.

“Oh, I like men and women and dogs and cats. But, I only like dogs and cats as pets. They’re not good for relationships.”

Aaron quickly turned himself around, wheeling himself away from the laughing teenager.


Aaron gripped the railings, moving himself along the walkway. It was apart of his physical therapy to walk along this walkway for half an hour without assistance.

In the corner painting her nails sat his physical therapist. Aaron snarled at her but she didn’t look up.

The door swung open and she quickly jumped to attention, smearing nail polish all over her fingers.

“Doctor Johnson”, she said, nodding her head.

The doctor that she referred to was an attractive, familiar tall young man with chocolate brown hair and soulful eyes that held a mischievous twinkle that were covered with spectacles.

“Yes, Cathy is asking for your assistance with a paralytic patient. I’ll stay here and watch this patient until you get done.”

The therapist scurried to do what she was told and rushed out of the room.

“Wait, you’re that gay dude from before!” exclaimed Aaron.

The doctor laughed.

“Totally happy”, agreed the doctor.

“No, as in…” Aaron didn’t even finish his statement.

“Yeah”, said the doctor answering his unasked question.

Aaron coughed, awkwardly and turned around to continue walking.

"Wait, you've been done for about an hour", mused the doctor looking at his watch and then at the sheet.

Aaron stopped, confused.

"Apparently, the nurse didn't want to tend to you so she just let you continue walking", said the doctor. He had a frown on his face.

"Laziness irks me", the doctor commented, making a mark on the clipboard. He wheeled Aaron's chair over to the walkway so Aaron could be wheeled back to his room.

"Whose Shawn? Apparently, you dream about him", he commented, looking at the clipboard. Aaron blushed and scowled, looking away. The doctor smiled, brightly, a flash of his earlier persona coming back.

"Well, apparently, he did you wrong. We'll have to get your mind off him, eh?" the doctor said, smiling.

"You can still call me Johnson", the doctor whispered seductively. Johnson called for a nurse and then waved two fingers as he left the therapy room.


Authors Note: What did you guys think of Johnson? He makes me laugh! He's a lot of fun to write although his introduction was kind of choppy and weird. But I had to get it hurried up. Anyways, enjoy.

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