Chapter Four

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Two pop culture references. Both are musical and they're in the same scene. You need to know who the person is and what the song, musical, show, whatever is.


Holly stared in disbelief at Aaron. Aaron was just sipping his water, calmly, acting like he hadn’t just listened to the most preppy guy on the planet talking about everything under the sun for a half hour.

“Aaron, do you have feelings for him?” she asked again.

“Didn’t I tell you not to assume anything?” he snapped, rolling his eyes, yet again.

Aaron’s brown hair fell into his face and he whipped it out half-emo, half-Justin Bieber. This picture made Holly laugh as it whipped into her mind. Aaron snarled.

“Are you laughing at me? I said nothing was going on”, he growled.

“It’s not that”, she explained through taking hard breaths.

Aaron just shook his head and stood up from the bed. Holly could tell he was ready to be released from the body. A brilliant idea suddenly struck her head.

“I’ll be right back”, she called to him and Chris. She stood up from her chair and walked out to the nurse’s desk. No one was there.

She heard a crash come from a room off to the side. It was a staff room. She could hear yelling and walked over to the door. It was cracked open so of course she listened, she was Holly Evers after all.

“You idiots. Are you retarded? I can’t believe… Just the thought that they’d hire someone as incompetent as you fools is beyond me. Get this crap out of my sight before I get angry. You’re such fools. Just idiots. My God.”

It was a man’s voice, familiar but not.

A sobbing nurse came busting out of the room, carrying a clipboard. She sobbed all the way to the nurse’s station where she got to work, fixing the sheet. Holly watched her.

Finally, a stream of nurses came out of the room after all receiving their reprimands. Some cursed, some cried, but all were shook up and scared. Holly wondered at who this awful person who had made all these people upset was.

The door opened yet again and Holly stepped back. She looked up to see of all people, Aaron’s doctor friend. The doctor glared at her.

“What do you need, miss?”, he said attempting to school his features. She shook her head and he nodded at her once, then turned to walk off.

Holly was shocked. She wasn’t sure if she should tell Aaron. Tell him what? That his friend was a bit psycho? It wasn’t like they were in a relationship? So what if the doctor had an explosive temper? If the two ever entered into something more than friendship, Aaron could take care of himself, right? He was a guy, right?

When Aaron awoke the next morning, the first thing he saw was chocolate. He blinked and realized he was looking into eyes. Eyes that happened to belong to Johnson.

“The heck--” he protested, struggling to get away.

Johnson chuckled and said, “Nurse, that will be all. Just bring the papers in and it’ll all be over.”

The nurse ducked her head and scurried off to meet her boss’s requests.

Aaron yawned and without looking at Johnson went to the bathroom. He was a bit upset since he hadn’t brushed his teeth, combed his hair, or showered. Johnson was never usually this early.

After his teeth were brushed and he was fresh from a shower and dry, Aaron dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. They were the only clothes he was allowed to wear here other than the hospital gown.

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