Chapter 3

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You woke up this morning and showered. Your hair was not cooperating with you so you just brushed it out and tied up in a ponytail. You pulled on an over sized black sabbath t-shirt. You had it cut ao that it was almost a crop top and so it was hanging off one shoulder. You pulled on a pair of faded distressed jeans and pair of boots. You grabbed your things such as chargers and anything close to you. You picked up your bag and walked outside.

"Hi, Happy!" You said

"Good morning, (Y/N). I'll take that for you." He said taking your bag.

He opened the door for you and you slid in. You were actually excited to say you were living and working with THE Tony Stark. With being lost in thought it felt like just seconds when you reached Stark Towers. You stepped out of the car and Happy handed you your bag. You took it and walked inside.

"(Y/N)! You're here! Fantastic, I pretty much just finished setting up your room! Let me show you." Tony said.

You followed Tony to the elevator. 'Coincidentally' your room happens to be on the same floor as his. Your room was right across from his. It was a rather small floor. Just the two rooms and a few others you werent to concerned about.

"Here you are." He said opening the door

It was a huge room. It had a large flat screen TV a small exercise area a record player probably the biggest fluffiest bed you've ever seen and a window bench.

"Do you like it?" He asked hopeful

"Hell yeah! It's amazing!" You said

He smiled and did a little dance. You just stood there and laughed.

"So, as soon as your done, come down to the basement aka my lab, and we can go over what you'll be doing as far as work." He said

"Okay, just give me like ten minutes." You said

He walked out and you opened your bag and began to put your clothes away. You put your laptop on the desk to the right of your bed. You plugged in your phone charger and figured you were all set up in your new room. You got into the elevator.

"Where shall I take you, ma'am?" JARVIS asked

"Tony's lab, please." You said

"Of course, enjoy your ride." He said

About fifteen minutes later the elevator stopped. I stepped off and saw Tony sitting by a large desk. He was waving his hands around moving things into folders and enlarging images of his armor. He was messing around with new designs. He threw pieces off into a digital trashcan dropped his head onto his desk.

"Tony? Is everything okay?" You asked walking up to him.

"Hm? Oh fine. Just having trouble with some design ideas." He said

He picked up a bottle of something green and took a swig.

"What is that?" You asked

"Just a- uhm, new energy drink." He said

"Oh, uh okay. So you wanted to go over what I would be doing as you assisstant." You said sitting next to him

"Oh, yeah! So as my assisstant, i will be asking for quite a bit. Help designing suits, switching out- this." He said

He pulled out his arc reactor and pulled out what looked like a small datachip that was burnt to a crisp.

"What in the hell?" You asked

"Yeah, uh, just open up that third draw. There's a small rack there just pull out new one." He said

He took out the old one and tossed it skillfully in the trash can almost across the room. You passed the small chip to him and he put it. The reactor closed around it. He lifted up his shirt and there were almost vein looking things all over his chest and up his neck.

'What the hell?' You thought

You decided to shake it off and focus on your job. He handed you print outs of different suit builds. You took them back to your room.

⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️ Tony Stark x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now