Chapter 17

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You got to his jet and right after Tony sat down in the jet he fell asleep in the chair. You undressed him quickly and put him in a pair of jeans and an ACDC tshirt. Thankfully his jet was stocked with clothes and things to do.

"Best flying partner ever. Thank you, Tony." You said jokingly

He just let out a loud snore in response. You just laughed and picked up a book nearby. You sat in the chair across from him and pulled a blanket onto your lap.

"Mrs. Stark, can I get you anything?" A stewardess asked

"Yes, just a cup of tea please." You said

"Of course. What kind you like?" She asked

"(F/Tea)." You said

"Of course." She said and walked off

You read your book until you heard the stewardess walk back to you.

"Thank you." You said taking your tea

Once you finished your tea you put your book down and laid back in the chair and fell asleep. You woke up a few hours later to the pilot speaking over the PA system.

"This is your pilot speaking, please be sure you are wearing your seatbelts, we are beginning our arrival." He said

You stretched in your seat and looked across from you to see Tony was awake as well.

"Hey, pilot, can you not be so loud. Thanks." He said

You just chuckled and laid your head back.

"Hows that hangover, baby?" You asked

"Uhm, I could use some aspirin.........and a cup of coffee." He said

"Here you are, sir. A cup coffee, cream and very little sugar and two aspirin." The stewardess said walking in

"Mr. and Mrs. Stark we have just landed. You may now exit." The pilot said

You stood up and grabbed your luggage. The two of you walked to the exit, hand in hand, and saw the stewardess was standing there.

"There is a car waiting to bring you to your hotel. Welcome to Turks & Caicos." She said

"Thank you." Tony said

You walked to the Rolls Royce that was waiting for you and Tony, he opened the door and let you in first. He walked to the back of the car and placed your bags in the trunk. He got in and sat next to you.

"Ready to have the best two weeks of your life?" He asked taking your hand in his

"Yeah, but I dont think I'll want to leave." You chuckled

"Yeah, I know. I mean we probably wont see many of the sights. We'll be in the hotel the whole time." He said winking

"Tony!" You said smacking his chest

"What? You tell me to tell the truth." He said smiling

You just sighed cuddled closer to him.

"I'm so glad I get to call you my husband." You said

"I'm glad, no, estatic, to get to call you my wife." He said

You looked up at him and he leaned down and connected your lips in a sweet yet passionate kiss.

"I love you." He said

"I love you too." You said

⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️ Tony Stark x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now