|Part 2|

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Oh, no.. I knew where this is going.. He's going to.. No.. Please, John.. Don't.. I don't think I could live with myself if you did what I think you're going to do... I quickly let go of John's hand and stood up. "Look, John..." I started to tear up even more, now I couldn't hold to tears back, "John, I-I-I'm breaking up with you.."

Johns face went pale. I could see the pain in his eyes, his heart just broke, and his life was now over. I looked deep into his eyes and started crying harder, my heart shattered to pieces John stood up and smiled quickly and sadly at me and turn to leave.

"You can't break a heart if it wasn't whole to being with," John spoke before turning around and walking to his room, which was the farthest of the 3. One used to be his sister's, the other being his mother's, and the last one was his.

'I remember what his room looks like still.... It's been awhile since I've even been in here!' She laughed while she thought of his room. Posters of Black Veil Brides, Sleeping With Sirens, Suicide Silence, Panic! At The Disco, and many others. She laughed sadly as she was torn between trying to come out of his room and leaving. She sat there for another couple of minutes, deciding on the idea of leaving.

"Bye John... " Viden mumbled from her mouth, slowly walking towards the door, reaching for the handle as she heard a crash from Josh's room. She quickly ran to his room, forgetting that he locked the door. She banged on it repeatedly, after a couple hits and no sounds or movement from the door, she then started kicking, soon the door gave through. Seeing John laying on the floor, blood rushing out of his wrists, and a large kitchen knife lay next to him.

In tears, Viden runs over to John, trying to blink away the tears but she couldn't. Maybe h-he wasn't trying break up with me! STUPID! MAYBE HE LOVED YOU! She mentally yelled at herself while she grabbed a couple of scarves, tying them tightly around his wrists. She wasn't going to let John die on her now.

"J-Josh?!" Viden grabbed her phone and dialed 9-1-1, "Yes! UM Well, my best guy friend just tried to commit suicide by cutting too deep, I tied scarves tightly around his wrist and now I'm desperately trying to get some help for him!" She frantically yelled into the phone, her tears came no longer.

~Time Skip Cause I Can, Hospital, John's Out Of Surgery~

As Viden waited to hear from the doctors as she paced the waiting room. She was worried sick about John, 'Is he okay?.. I-Is it because of me?!" She started to well up with tears again for the fourth time. A small women whom looked nothing older than 23, quickly walked over to Viden laying a hand on her.

"Sweetie.. John's going to be okay and he'll make it. Though, you may want to see him now and confess anything you want to say before he doesn't want to talk to you again.." She spoke softly, the other patients' parents, caregivers, and legal guardians looked over at the two standing there as Viden nodded slowly. "Yes, I would like to see him now, i-if that's okay that is.."

Moments after speaking Viden was shown to John. "H-Hey J-John..." She tried speaking out, nothing but mumbles came out. "I-I s-see th-that you're-" John interrupted her by putting his hand up.

"Please," His voice sounded strained. "I don't wanna hear it!" He yelled as loud as he could, which was still a small whisper every so often, John started tearing up. "Look, I don't want to talk to you anymore.. I-I mean like.. w-we can still be friends and all.. B-but.." He tried saying through the tears that spilled from all corners of his eyes.

Viden turned around, not wanting to see the face of her ex lover, ex best friend, and just flat out friend. Not wanting to meet the eyes of someone who tried taking their life because of her. She felt her eyes start stinging with the feeling of a droplets of water fall down her cheek, falling off of her chin.

"Bye John.. I hope that you're happier now..." She muttered under her breath, not awaiting a response, she turned and left the room, starting down the long, white hallway out of the hospital. "VIDEN! VIDEN!" She could hear her own name be yelled from the room she had just left, she didn't bother walking back there. She didn't want to leave but she didn't want to stay. She thought best of leaving, not wanting to hurt anyone any longer. 'Time to leave now isn't it?.. Hope everyone will be happy..' She smiled at her own thought, not thinking about anything else but what she had felt that moment. Nothing but negative things were caught in her mind. As she managed to leave the prison for the sick.

~Flash Back~

"YOU'RE WORTHLESS!" Her mother shouted at her. Viden sunk back, not saying anything to protest against her mother's words. "THIS IS WHY YOUR FATHER LEFT US, WAS BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU'RE SELFISH AND DON'T DO ANYTHING TO HELP THIS FAMILY!" He mother kept going on, Viden continued to fall back, every word was like a dagger and she was bleeding quickly.

"N-No.. I-I'm not worthless!" Viden tried to say, only whispering it. More of to herself than trying to convince her mother that she wasn't a waste of space, people wanted her, and that she was loved. Loved by herself. 'Dad is the reason you left because of me?... Please don't let it be because of me..' She thought as her mother brought her hand to Viden's cheek, leaving a red print on the side of Viden's frail face. She welled up with tears almost instantly. Viden got up and ran up to her room, grabbing a small bag and shoving random clothing in it and writing a quick note. 'Look mother, I'm leaving. You obviously don't want me here anymore.. I don't think I want to be here anymore than you want me here. So I'm leaving and never coming back. I don't want to see you anymore. I've packed a back and I've got money as well too. Don't worry, I only hate myself and blame myself for everything that I've ever been blamed for from you!' That was a two minute note written for her mother. She mentally wrote a much longer note to her father.

~End Of FB~

'Why am I like this though.. I mean, he loved me! He wanted to say something but then.. I shot him down. He didn't let me explain and this happened.. Why don't I just stop doing these kinda things.. But I can't. I can't help that I hurt people by accident...' She sighed as she let the tears fall. She was amazed that her tears could even fall from how long and hard she was crying, she desperately tried wiping them away as she ran, she ran and never looked back, not checking the roads for cars as she ran across the crosswalk. 'Why have I done this? Huh. What's so wrong with me that someone would go and do something like that and then blame it all on me?!' She mentally screamed at herself, trying to think of something not as bad as the situation at hand, but found nothing. That's when she realized that a car was about to hit her, she toppled over the car and...  

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