62~People Come and Go

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People come and go, and it's the sad deym truth...

But only the true ones stay there by your side. Through the good and bad times.. Through the times you feel the worst. The times when u look awful.

But those kind of people are hard to find... Too hard to find.

And here I am, just a pathetic girl waiting for someone who'll finally realize that behind these smiles, is just a horrible lie.


Hiya all! Sorry for not updating, really busy for school, and is so killing me -.-"

But anyways...

This short piece was just written by little ole me :'D

I felt this kind of way so...yah.

But don't bother me, I'm fine. I assure you all I'm fine

Now please tell me what you all think of this!
Vote for this and comment below! :3

Oh and do please help in having a better title for this -.-" I don't really have time to think what title for this chapter --.-" and seriously, my head's aching...


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