The Ship of Dreams

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March 20th 1912
- Justin what you got ?
-Nothing sorry bro I was bluffing...
- 2 pairs of king and heart! And you mate?
-Full house guys! Haha Liam! Here were going on the ship of dreams!
As Niall picked up the munny on the table and the two tickets Scooter grabed Justin to the neck.
-You where bluffing! What the fuck is wrong with you! Bluffing hun! Wait till I get my fist to your face you'll see who's laughing then!
(Bar man)
-Niall, Liam you guys better go the ship is about to leave!

**Mean while**
Zayn opened the dor for Demi as she got out the car the boat chaught her eye  it was huge the biggest boat ever made. A boat that couldint sink. She was amased by the ship that stood in front of her impatient of getting on board she took Zayn's hand and walked to the man that stood in front of the ship's dor. She gave the tickets away to the man and she walked in with Zayn.

The Ship of DreamsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant