finding my missing half (a short story)

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My name is Angel, I was 17 years old and I am currently in what's called Heaven. It's really beautiful I must say. I have seen other children here that share my same conditions, they come from all around the world. These children ask me to read stories to them and play hide and seek. At the end of the day, I go to a well and watch the water as it shows me a day in my past life. Today, it decides to show me my last week on earth where I met the half that was missing in my life. Well here it is...

The first thing that the well shows me is the Saturday that I stumbled upon someone who I thought was a total stranger.

"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! Please forgive me!" I said after spilling the order of chicken over her elegant attire.

"It's fine," she tells me.

I couldn't just let her go out with a red stain on her shirt so I escorted her to the employee closet and gave her my dress shirt that I was going to utilize for my other part time job.

"Here, you can borrow my shirt for your meeting, my name is Angel by the way."

"My name is Bianca, and thanks for the shirt."

I didn't see Bianca until later that afternoon when I was finishing my shift. She came to return my shirt and we just made conversation for the next half hour. She made me promise that we would see each other soon because she wanted to get to know me better and become friends, so I did.

The following day, I went to work at my first job where I met Bianca, and to my surprise, there she was. I saw her talking to my manager as I was heading to the back door of the restaurant. My mind filled with panic in which I thought they were talking about the incident that happened yesterday with the chicken.

"Angel! There you are!" Bianca yelled with joy in her voice.

"Hi Bianca, good morning Mr. Birdy" I say as a minor shiver goes up my spine.

I was about to turn the doorknob when Mr. Birdy tells me that I have the day off. I didn't question it at the moment, I was just relieved that I would be able to go home and rest. Suddenly breaking my train of thoughts, Bianca suggests that we should go to the mall and just hang out as a method of getting to know each other better.

"Why does she want to know me so badly? I don't even know who she is. She looks a bit familiar though, and a little like me. Brown wavy hair, light brown eyes, light skin tone, rosy cheeks. Now that I think about it, she looks like an older version of me," I think to myself as we walk across the street to the mall. "Who is this woman?"

As we're moving from store to store, we talk about different things varying from what our favorite things are, to our childhood memories. For lunch, we sit in the food court and I find out that her family got into a car accident when she was five years old and her dad and baby sister who was barely going to turn a year old, died. I could relate to her in which my family died when I was the baby's age. My uncle took care of me though.

I started to wonder whether I possibly remind her of her little sister, and if so is that why she wants to know me better? I told her that there's always a possibility that her sister didn't die, or her dad.

"It's not a possibility angel," she tells me, "it's a fact."

"What do you mean?"

"About four months ago, I found out that my sister didn't die. She got adopted. For some reason, she got moved to another hospital and the paramedics at the hospital my mom was in, couldn't figure out which one she was in."

This was starting to freak me out. What if Bianca is my sister?! Did I have a family this whole time that I didn't know existed? I couldn't take it anymore. My heart started to beat faster with every breathe I took.

"I have to go."

I got my purse from the table and ran out into the parking lot. I didn't look to see if any cars were passing by. Tears filled my face as I heard Bianca screaming my name, asking me to stop and come back. All of a sudden the world went black.

As I awakened, all I could see was two paramedics and Bianca next to me and I heard...

"We have a pulse."

"Angel. Please wake up."

"Head injury and possible fractured arm."

Once again, I had a blackout. It's not true what they say about your life flashing before your eyes when near death. On the other hand, you start to dream about "Paradise", or at least I did. After what seemed like a couple of hours, I see my uncle sleeping in a rocking chair next to my hospital bed.


"Angel! Oh my goodness I was so worried. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling a bit weak, what happened?"

"You don't remember?"

To be honest, I only remembered running out of the mall and Bianca trying to catch up after we talked about her family.

"No, what day is it? And why can't I feel my arm?"

"It's Thursday, and you got hit by a car when you were running in the mall parking lot, the hit broke a bone in your arm but it should heal soon, by the way, your friend is in the waiting room, wanna see her?"

I needed to talk to him before seeing anyone else so I asked him if he knew whether my parents were still alive or if I had any other siblings at the time of the car crash as a baby. He told me that he was told by the doctor that his brother, my dad, didn't survive the crash or anyone else. This relieved me a bit knowing that he wasn't lying to me about this. I then asked him if he could check which friend was in the waiting room. As he went to go check, I glanced around the hospital room and saw it was filled with balloons and roses, each labeled from either a co-worker or a classmate.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Bianca asked as she slowly peeked her head into the room.

"I just feel a bit drowsy and slight pain," I was lying about the pain though, my whole body felt crushed and my heart was starting to fasten its rate again.

"I needed to tell you something when you had run out of the mall, but that can wait till you get better."

"Bianca? Was it a coincidence that we met on Saturday?"

"To tell you the truth, it wasn't."

My heart's speed was starting to increase.

"Then please tell me why you wanted to meet me so badly and who you are, that's all I wanna know."

"Okay, my name is Bianca Martinez, I am 22 years old. I wanted to meet you because like I told you before, I just found out my sister is alive and I have been looking for her for the past four months. I found her about two weeks ago but barely talked to her on Saturday."

My lungs weren't letting me take in oxygen, even with the inhaler.

"Beep! Beep! BEEP!" the monitor alarmed.

"Angel, Angel! What's wrong? Doctor!"

The doctor quickly came into the room and checked the equipment as I was on the verge of passing out.

"We're losing her!"

"Angel! No! Please! I need to tell you that we're..."

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