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EDITED: December 2020

Wednesday's tutoring session with Theo went well, and so did this afternoons.

This Friday evening, Aimee and the guys and I decided to head to our local hangout spot, The Pointe.

As per usual, Aimee was bitching about some or other person she disliked while Liam tried every so often to make a pass at me.

Liam and I had a brief thing in the eighth grade, but after that, we realised that we were better off as friends, and not a couple. But every now and then he'd try hook-up with me, and as per usual, I would reject him.

As I pointlessly scrolled through my instagram, I couldn't help but wonder what Theo was doing this evening. I mean, we didn't really talk about our evening plans during our tutoring sesh.

I didn't have to wonder for long when I came across a picture he had posted of himself, Indigo and his friends, Adam, Jeremy and Jason.

"Ooh, stalking Theo Parker I see," Aidan smirked, peering over at my phone screen.

"Shut up," I scoffed.

"Speaking of which, how are things going with your dare? Any signs of him falling deeply and madly in love with you?" Joey asked.

"It's going fine," I muttered.

"I kinda almost feel bad for Theo," Aimee said, and then took a sip of her drink. "I mean, to be lead on and then suddenly dropped just like that? Its gonna suck."

God, my best friend can be a bitch sometimes.

"Can't you just make me do something else?" I asked her. "I mean, I will gladly put laxatives in Mr Sawyer's coffee like Joey did, or set the fire alarm off a couple of times," I tried to compromise.

"You can't do something someone else has already done," Spencer pointed out.

"Come on, El. It won't be so bad. I mean, Theo isn't exactly bad looking or anything," She shrugged.

"That's not the point," I mumbled, feeling irritable now. I now decided that I didn't want to be here anymore. "Guys, I have to go."

"Why?" Liam asked with a small frown.

"I uh, have this dinner thing with uh, my dad," I lied.

"Really?" Spencer asked, looking like he didn't believe me.

"Yeah. I bailed on him the last time," I lied again, slipping my phone into my handbag and standing up. "I'll text you guys," I told them, before leaving so that they couldn't question me anymore.

As I drove away from The Pointe, I decided to actually go and visit my dad. I'm not as mad about the divorce at him as I am at my mom. I mean, she's the one that actually wanted it, not him.

With me being the last born, my dad and I have an almost inseparable bond even though he and Kendall are very close as well.

When I had arrived at the hotel he was staying at, I headed up to his suit which was on the very top floor. I might even most probably spend the night here.

Knocking on the door, I waited for it to be answered. However, it wasn't my dad that answered it.

My eyebrow rose all the way to my hairline. "Who are you?" I asked the tall brunette woman that stood at the door.

"Jenn? Who's there?!" I heard my dad's voice call.

"Where's my dad?" I asked, getting impatient with whoever this woman is.

"Oh, you must be Kendall. Or uh...Ella," She said.

"Jenn, who's at the -" My dad's voice said again as he came closer to the door. "Oh, Ella. What a surprise," He smiled at me.

"Who's this?" I asked, looking at the woman again.

"Uh, sweetheart, um...come in," He said, ushering me into the suit and ignoring my question. "I wasn't expecting you this evening," He said.

"I can see that," I said, narrowing my eyes.

"Princess, this is Jenn," He introduced me to the woman.

"It's really nice to meet you, Ella. I've heard so much about you," Jenn smiled at me.

Oh please. "Can't say the same about you."

She smiled awkwardly. "Oh."

"So uh, what brings you by?" Dad asked, handing me a glass of lemonade. "Not that I'm not happy to have my baby girl here."

"I thought I'd uh, come visit you. But clearly you have other plans. Sorry for imposing."

"Jenn here, is uh, my good friend from work," He said, clearly lying through his teeth.

I turned to her. "Jenn, would you mind if I had a word with my dad, alone?"

"Uh, not at all," She said, standing up. "I have a few phone calls to make anyways."

Once she was out of the room, I shot my dad a glare. "Okay, if you expect me to believe that she's just your friend, you clearly don't know the child you raised."

"I was waiting for the right time to tell you," He protested.

I scoffed. "Does Kenny know? Does mama know?!"

"I haven't told them yet," He said with a sigh.

Suddenly my heart sank to my feet. "Oh my god, please don't tell me this is part of the reason why you and mom are quitting things!"

"What? No! Ella, I would never cheat on your mother!" He said.

"Daddy, this sucks," I sighed, putting the lemonade down and standing up.

"Ella, if you'd just give Jenn a chance. Get to know he -" He began, but I cut him off.

"Ugh, just never mind," I said, walking towards the door.

"Gabriella, come back here! We need to talk!" He called, but I didn't care.

I basically sprinted down the hallway so that he had no chance of catching me.

Jesus, their divorce isn't even finalised and he's already moved on?

I mean, couldn't he have at least waited a year or six? And besides, Jenn's ugly. Offence totally ment.

On my home, I felt irritated. Very irritated. And the only way my irritation would be slightly lessened is with a large double cheesy pizza from Domino's.

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