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EDITED: December 2020

On Monday at lunch, Theo invited me to sit with him and his friends, Indigo, Adam Raymond and the twins, Jeremy and Jason Sanderson. To be honest, sitting with them was actually really nice. See, the thing is, with them I can bring out my inner Ella. The nerdy girl that loves photography and can actually talk about her love of wearing sweatpants without getting the judgemental eye from anyone. Indigo and I have also become good friends and we now sit next to each other in history and we're doing our drama practical together. Jeremy and I share a love of photography and we've spent hours talking over the phone about our photography techniques. I'm also good friends with Adam and Jason.

"Hey, Ella?" Indigo said to me as we stood in the cafeteria line waiting to collect our food orders that Wednesday.


"So uh, are you going to Organic on Friday night?" She asked.

"Yep," I nodded. Organic is a music festival that a bunch of us had gotten tickets for. "You?"

"Yeah," She said. "So uh, the thing is right, I'm not so great at shopping and well, I was wondering...if you'd go to the mall with me on Friday and help me find an outfit," She asked reluctantly, looking down at her dark purple nails.

From what I've been able to tell, Indigo is quite the tomboy, being raised by only her father and with four brothers plus being friends with the boys. She has a cute and quirky style but it's still kind of boyish.

"Oh my god, yes!" I squealed. "I'd love to!"

"Oh um, cool. Great," She grinned.

"Trust me. We're gonna have you looking like a million bucks."

"Yeah, totally," She laughed sarcastically, causing me to giggle.

After collecting and paying for our lunches, we headed to our table where the boys were waiting.

"Hey there," Theo grinned at me.

"Hi," I said with a small lip-biting smile.

In case you're wondering, Theo and I haven't really spoken about the almost-kiss that happened.

The rest of lunch was spent just eating our lunch and talking about anything and everything that came to mind. When the bell went, I discarded my unfinished lunch and then bid everyone goodbye before heading to my accounting class.

Walking into the classroom, I shot my teacher, Mrs Wilmot a smile before walking over to my seat at the very back. A few minutes later, Aimee and the guys walked in.

"Oh, well look who it is," Aimee said sarcastically as she sat down next to me.

"Haven't seen you in a while," Liam scoffed.

"Oh um, hey," I mumbled.

"What's up with you sitting with Theo and his people?" Joey asked straight out. Um, excuse me, Joey. You'd better watch your mouth.

"I um, well it -" I stuttered. "It's for the dare," I sighed, lying through my teeth and cursing myself for remembering that.

"Oh really now?" Liam asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah," I said as if it were no big deal. "I mean, you guys do want me to go through with it, don't you?" I asked.

"Well yeah, obviously," Spencer shrugged.

"As soon as all of this is over, I'm back with you guys, okay," I reassured them, and then reached over and pecked Joey's cheek.

"Yeah, I should hope so," Aimee said, cracking a small smile.

Before we could make more conversation, the lesson had started.


"Oh my god, Indigo! You look amazing!" I gasped as Indigo walked out of my closet wearing the new outfit she had gotten at the mall earlier that Friday afternoon..

"You think?" She asked, her cheeks tinting slightly red underneath the light pink blush she was wearing.

This afternoon after school Indigo and I had headed to the mall and gotten a couple of new outfits before we came back to my house. After that I had spent the time doing her hair and make-up as well as my own. Her brunette hair was perfectly curled and I had given her a dark smokey-eyed look that's gonna drive all the guys crazy. Her outfit tonight was an adorable black mini skirt that showed off her slim legs and a white corset-style cropped top paired with a pair of light pink airforce ones that would undoubtedly be unrecognisable by the end of the night. If you've been out parting in white/light coloured shoes, you know what I mean. But they were so cute, she was willing to risk that.

"Abso-freaking-lutely!" I exclaimed.

"Well hey, I'm pretty sure Theo's gonna be all over you," She smirked.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Oh come on, Ella! We can all tell from a mile away that you guys have a thing for each other," She said.

"Trust me, we don't," I said, shaking my head as I looked into my full-length mirror.

For this occasion I had chosen to wear a denim skater shirt held up by denim suspenders, a long sleeved white crop top and a pair of white converse. My dark hair had been straightened and my make-up was super cute but sultry.

After taking a selfie, we said goodbye to Kendall before leaving. The uber ride to the venue where Organic was happening was fairly short and when we got there, the place was already packed. After showing the bouncer our tickets, we headed inside. Almost immediately we spotted the boys sitting over at a table. My gaze didn't leave Theo's as we walked over to them.

"Hey," He greeted me with a smile

"Hi," I said, returning the smile.

"You uh, look great," He said sheepishly.

"Thanks. You don't look to bad yourself," I complimented.

This evening Theo looked hotter than hell in his dark skinny jeans and white wife beater all tied together with a pair of dark vans.

"Two virgin mohitos for the ladies," Adam said, putting a drink down in front of Indigo and I.

"Thanks," We grinned at him.

My gaze randomly shifted and met Aimee's brown-eyed gaze as she was sitting over at another table. She simply winked at me before going off with some boy.

"So um, thanks for doing the whole shopping thing with Indi," Theo said to me, his lips real close to my ear because of how loud it was. "I know it really means a lot to her."

"Yeah, no problem. I'm happy to help," I said with a smile as I looked over to where Indigo and Jeremy were talking. A few hours later, it was almost eleven thirty and I decided that I wanted to dance.

"Come on! Dance with me!" I said to Theo, dragging him out of his seat and onto the dance floor. "I love this song!" I grinned as the song Body by Megan Thee Stallion blared through the place.

As if it were instinct, Theo's hands made their way to my hips while my arms went around his neck. As my hips swayed to the beat, his eyes never left mine, and the closer he pulled me towards him, the more I could fell the friction rising between us.

God, I wanna kiss him so bad. His beautifully pink lips looked so inviting as he ran his tongue across his bottom lip, teasing me even more. Deciding that I couldn't take it anymore, I made the first move.

As soon as my lips touched his, he immediately kissed back. His lips feverishly attacked mine as one of his hands rested on the back of my neck and the other at the top of the back of my thigh. I didn't at all mind the sudden affection. If anything, it was even more of a turn-on. Feeling his tongue swipe across my bottom lip, I opened my mouth, allowing his tongue to explore every inch of my mouth.

Kissing him felt like heaven. Almost as if I could just stay there forever. He seemed so eager, yet I wasn't complaining. A small moan escaped my mouth as he trailed kisses down my jaw and neckline before sucking harshly on my neck.

I never wanted this moment to end.

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