Chapter Three

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It was exactly nine o'clock.

Everyone was already in bed by then, or at least they should have been by eight thirty when the lights normally switched off.

The teachers on duty were just finishing up their rounds, checking in on everyone and making sure we were all where we were supposed to be.

Cameron was snoring away in his bed while I stared at the ceiling.

I was exhausted. My eyes so jaded that they throbbed in pain but I wouldn't let myself fall asleep until I really had no other choice.

I turned in bed for the nth time, facing my bedside table where I'd previously lain the bottle of pills right beside my other personal belongings. A framed picture of me and my mom which she insisted I keep, a half empty bottle of water, a chapstick that was slowly collecting dust, and a pen or two.

Stretching my arm, I grabbed the bottle and brought it closer to my eyes.

In the dark, I couldn't see much of it, just the general silhouette.

My thumb grazed the cap, feeling its curves beneath my skin.

I placed it back on my bedside table. I was still unsure of its content.

Then I sat up in bed, slipping my feet inside my night slippers.

I was in my usual pajamas.

We were allowed to sleep in whatever we wanted, but I chose to wear actual clothes to bed as apposed to the boxers most of the other guys put on.

I was wearing my baggy cotton t-shirt and a baggy pair of shorts.

Shorts in the summer, sweats during winter.

Then I walked up to the door, and as quietly as I could, turned the door knob and left the room behind me.

The corridors had minimum lighting, just enough so you could see where you were going. Everything else was just a shadow.

There was something eerie about walking down the school halls at night. Almost as if it was something that should never occur. There was something off about it, passing the familiar walls without the sound of chattering students. Almost like watching a movie when the sound is not in sync with the moving clips.

I wandered aimlessly down the halls before I finally got to the stairwell, pushing the door open with ease I wasn't expecting.

I climbed up the stairs until I got to the very top.


I sat beside the blue haired boy. "Hey."

"I didn't think you'd come," he said, rubbing his eyes with the sleeves of his shirt.

I eyed him carefully. From his dark blue hair that looked almost normal in the dark, to the sharp curve of his jaw, down to the long sleeved shirt he had on and the pajama pants.

"I don't want to sleep and I can't stand it in that room anymore."

His eyes looked shinier than usual when he looked up at me. "You can sleep with me if you want."

I tried to ignore the double meaning. "You don't have a dorm mate?"

He shook his head. "I got lucky, I guess."

Or they heard you're gay and decided they didn't want to room with you.

"Have you been crying?" I asked.

"No," he said hoarsely and I knew he was lying.


He nodded. "I'm fine."

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