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(^For being awesome and sticking around till the end)

Fin's uncle was there.

He was the one holding Arnold's arm. The one who called it disgusting. The one who should have left when he said he wanted to.

Fin hated me for a week after I'd told him.

I didn't want to. I wasn't intending to.

I only did it two days after the dance because the guilt of it was wearing me down so badly that I started avoiding him. I slept in my own dorm, for fuck's sake.

I also picked up swearing along the way.

When I told him, Fin laughed.

Fuck, how hard I wished he could have seen it. I wanted him to see it so badly, but it was all gone. It was gone when I opened my eyes and I had tear stains on my cheek.

It was gone when Zach asked if I was okay. When he said I'd been passed out for at least an hour.

It was gone when I heard a whisper of a voice.

Thank you.

I told him all of it.

He pushed me away. He pushed me so hard that I fell on my knees and it took every part of me not to break down because that's how he looked. That's how Zach looked before Arnold told him to stand up. Before he stabbed him.

I turned away and I left.

Fin came after me. He said, "Take it back. Take it back and I'll let you push me."

I couldn't. I didn't want to push him.

"Kaiden, please. It has to have been someone else."

I drew his uncle for him. Then I told him to check the yearbook from the same year we found Arnold's cut out.

He left for the library.

We didn't speak to each other that week.

Then when the weekend rolled in, he left me a note under my door.

'Visiting uncle. I miss you.'

He kissed me so hard that night, when he found me in the staircase.

He pushed me against the wall, pressed so tightly that my shirt burned against my skin, his knee wedged between my two legs.

"I'm sorry."

"He confessed?"

Fin nodded, kissing my neck. "I should've believed you."

"What did you say to him?"

"I told him everything. He didn't try to deny it after I showed him your drawing."

I had to move my head so he would stop distracting me with kisses. "What now?"

"That's it, Kaiden. It's over. There's nothing left of it. They're gone. They know that we know, they know that my uncle knows."

"Is he going to the police?"

Fin took a step back. "I don't know."

We sat side to side.

"Maybe he should," I said.

"He didn't do anything, right? He just...watched."

"Yeah, but that's almost just as bad, Fin."

"I know, I know. I was just wondering."

"I'm sorry."

He shrugged. "Now we both have messed up father figures."

"Yeah. There's that."

Now we sat on the same staircase, fingers interlaced as we watched Cameron and Faris argue over something ridiculous.

Fin cracked a smile at me. "If we started making out, do you think they'd notice?"

"Faris would."

"I wouldn't be so sure. Look at the way he's staring at Cameron's lips."

I looked.

"All right."

Fin pulled me in for a kiss.

"Gross," Cameron kicked my leg. "Get a room."

I pulled away. "You lose."

"Yeah, but you rarely ever win anyway."

"Good point."


That's it.

Before anyone starts complaining, at some point I thought that I would never get this story done. SO. At least I managed to do that lol.

If I've left out anything (lol, which is very likely because I'm ew) please let me know. Sigh.

PROTIP: guys, if I could give you any advice it would be to plan because holy fuck, this would've been so much easier if I'd done that UGHHH

If you're wondering, there will be something new on my profile in the next 24 hrs, but right now I need to sleep because college.

Thanks for sticking around, peeps. See ya' in the next one! (Or not. Freedom of choice and stuff)

EDIT(9/6/16): I'll be posting a few one-shot type things on my profile so keep an eye out for that if you'd like

EDIT AGAIN (6/10/2017): there's now like 3 related to THS under "extras"

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