Chapter 6

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A/N Sorry it took so long. I kinda forgot I wrote stories! I know it was a huge blond moment! I'm so sorry!

Juliet P.O.V

The sleigh ride was awesome! It would have been even better if Bunny didn't hurl the carrots out he had eaten earlier. Jack and I had fun teasing him. Hey, I love animals but it's just too fun to mess with Bunny. He is always so serious. Did I mention Flare came with us? Well anyways he did, but all the lazy thing did was sleep. The only reason he woke up was because we went through the portal. I think you can guess why. I wasn't to happy either when I saw all the tooth fairies being taken.

I heard something like this happened 20 years ago. The question is, why was it happening again? Jack, Flare, and I all flew up and saved as many fairies as we could. Sadly it was only one a piece. Jack had a fairy that he called baby tooth. I guess he knew who she was. Flare had one carefully clutched in one of his feet. I had one laying down in my cupped hands. She looked so weak and sad. Her little eyes were shut and she had little black sand pieces on her. I looked at Flare and signaled for him to give me his. He flew over and above my hands dropping her in them. When they both opened their eyes they just looked up at me. They started to talk to me, but I'm pretty sure Tooth and I are the only ones that understand them. 'Thank you Juliet for saving us. Tell your phoenix we said thank you too.'
"Hey it's no problem girls."

North handed Jack the reins. "Man the sleigh." "Uh mate remember what happened last ti....."

Bunny didn't even get to finish his sentence before Jack crash landed us. I hopped out of the sleigh feeling dizzy. Both fairies were flying near my head, one on each side. I had my staff in my right hand, and pointed it forward in a fighting stance. Flare was perched on my left shoulder looking around on high alert. Tooth flew out of the palace crying. "There all gone again just like before. Both the teeth and all the fairies." I looked up at tooth and hugged her. "Hey at least we managed to save three fairies." Her face perked up at that. All three of the fairies flew to her. She smiled up at them and said, "At least you guys are safe."

We were trying to hit nightmares but were stopped when a bigger one then the others circled us. It passed everyone before it got to me. The horse nightmare stopped and stood right in front of Flare and I. I stood and glared. I silently gave the signal to torch it. He then released fire from his beak unleashing on the stallion. "Hey that's my nightmare! Who in the world do you think you are?!"

I looked up only to come face to face with Pitch. His eyes immediately widened, shock clear on his face. I smirked and said, "Juliet Hunter, I guess you figured that out by the look on your face." His eyes almost seemed to darken. "I don't care who you are, legend or not. You're still a little nobody that no one believes in."

I felt my heart sink and tried not to show how much it hurt. It was true no one believed in me and they never will. I mean at least Jack had stories about him when no one believed in him. I'm just the spirit that nobody knows. I felt Flare rumble and I knew he was mad. I softly touched his claw. I really didn't want him to do anything stupid. I said the only thing I thought of.

"Nobody fears you Pitch. Why do this all again just to fail again? I mean a three year old could have came up with a better idea."

He glared and then a smirk started to form on his face. "It won't fail this time because you fear me."

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