Chapter 13 Part 1

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Juliet P.O.V

I was falling and I was surrounded by darkness. It felt like I would never stop. Just when I began to give up I hit the ground. To keep calm I had to remind myself that this was only a nightmare, but it felt so real. Suddenly a light infiltrated my vision, then a path began to form. Cautiously I made my way down the path. The walls seemed to be closing in on me as I walked. The light suddenly became a lot brighter. I was shoved to the ground by an invisible force. I tried to get up but it was like I was chained to the ground.

A pain filled squawk was heard in the distance, Flare! I struggled against the invisible force, I needed to save him. It felt pointless to keep struggling but I knew Flare was in trouble. At last the chains broke and I was able to stand once again. I looked down the path only to see the light dimming.

I ran as fast as I could, I needed to find him. The sounds seemed to be getting closer and closer. Soon I was able to see Flare but in the worse kind of condition. He looked worse then when I had seen him before I fell asleep. All but a few of his feathers were gone. You could see all the scratches and bruises on him. To make matters worse a hooded figure was holding him by the neck.

"NO," I screamed.

My pleas were either ignored or the person didn't hear them. The light in Flare's eyes slowly died out until he went limp in the strangers arms. The hooded figure dropped him to the ground and ran. I felt like a huge part of my heart was gone. Tears filled my vision but I wouldn't let them fall. Don't let him win it's only a nightmare.

My head began to hurt as what felt like Flare's whole life flashed before my eyes. I saw him hatch in my hands. Our first hunting together, and game together. His first broken wing, his fall from the tree. I saw him grow up right before my eyes in what felt like years but could be no less than 5 seconds. I quickly composed myself and ran to the path in which the figure went.

The path became smaller in width but I still was able to slip through. Walking with my heart in my stomach I felt something go up my nose. I sneezed and rubbed my nose. As I was looking for the cause I saw specks of gold on the wall. Taking a closer look I was surprised to see it was sand. Oh no, Sandy! I rushed down the hallway, only thinking about saving him. I rounded the corner just in time to see the figure sprinkle black sand on Sandy. Now there was no way I could save him.

I walked to his side and held his hand. He looked up at me with a brave smile. He wasn't going to let Pitch win. The sand crept up his body like molasses. It made my heart ache as another one of my family members was dying. Black sand soon covered every part of him but his head. He smiled at me one more time before the sand engulfed his head. His figure seemed to explode as the black sand dispersed into the air.

Once again memories began to flash before me in my head. It shoved a little boy who believed in every good thing. He saw the light in everything. This little boy who had to be Sandy loved to dream, he lived for it. He started to grow up until he was about 10. The wonderful dreaming that night sadly had a bad ending. He never woke up and went into a coma. The Man on the Moon had been keeping close watch on the little boy and watched over him. He woke weeks later remembering everything. He ran home yelling for his parents only for them to never see him.

I saw Sandy become a guardian and join the others. Years flashed faster as it showed him spreading happiness through dreams to every kid every night. My head stopped hurting and the visions were over.

Knowing I had to make my way down the next path quickly I shoved my feelings away. It's only a bad dream. A very bad dream.

I knew who the hooded figure would strike next as soon as I saw a beautiful feather on the ground. To be more specific Tooth's feather. I heard Tooth scream in the distance as I ran down the now feather covered path. I seemed to always be a second late as the figure plunged a tooth into Tooth's heart. Tooth fell to the ground as the figure took off. I ran to Tooth's side knowing I couldn't save her but I could save the others if I hurried. Right before I was about to set off again Tooth grabbed my wrist.

"Stay please, I don't want to be alone when I die."

I stayed by her side just to watch her die before my eyes. A pain struck my head and I knew it was vision time again. A little girl with wide eyes a a huge smile, who must have been Tooth flooded my vision. She got older and I watched all her memories until it stopped when she was 18. She was already studying to become a dentist because of her strong interest in teeth. Tragedy struck her family when her mom slowly started to die. Her brain was shutting down on her and could only be saved with a transplant. Naturally Tooth offered to be the donor.

Tooth was determined to save her mothers life and didn't care if she died. I had to watch the whole transfer. All Tooth's memories were wiped from it and later she died from it. The Man on the Moon saw something in her he had never seen. I watched her come back to life and take her place as the first female guardian.

That's when I began to believe maybe this wasn't a nightmare after all. Maybe this was real.

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