The first Battle

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Mere moments after the event, he was approached by a man and a woman. He looked them up and down, the woman was most obviously some sort of ninja, and the man looked like a fighter of sorts. Then he noticed the giant sword/gun that was on the man's back. The man stepped forward and addressed Dex with a look of anger. "Hello, I'm Leon, and this is Yuffie" Leon gestures to the woman, "I believe you have stolen something from a friend of mine that he needs, and if you don't comply I'll have to take it by force" he says as he pulls his sword off his back and gets into a stance. Dex eyes the woman and she steps back and out of the way. He then turns his attention to Leon, and without a word he pulls the Keyblade off his back and gets into his battle stance. "Well, if that's how it must be" Leon says before rushing forward and sending his sword down right towards Dex's head. The clang of metal meeting metal is heard as Dex looks up at the blade he had just blocked. He pulls his blade off almost faster than the eye can see and thrusts it at Leon, who jumps back with a look of shock and worry. But that look only lasts for a second before he's forced to concentrate on blocking the barrage of blows that Dex is sending his way. Dex continues to barrage Leon with strikes, looking for an opening in Leon's defense. Eventually seeing one he takes the moment to bash Leon's sword out of his hand and spins around and bashes Leon in the skull with his Keyblade, sending him to the ground and knocking him out. Yuffie looks at him and sees that Leon's head is bleeding pretty bad, then looks at Dex with a look of terror before running away. Dex looks at her retreating back, then down at Leon's unconscious body. "This'll be fun, I can already tell." He says with a smirk before walking deeper into the town.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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