Full Recovery

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Iko's POV
I could hear voices but they sounded far away, but with each passing minute, I could hear them clearer. "Wait. You mean we are the first people that you have willingly saved?" "Yes. That being said, if I knew that you were going to cause me this much trouble, I would have considered leaving you." "What is that supposed to mean!" I recognized Ina's voice but who was the other guy? His voice was to deep for a young child or a girl. I seem to faintly remember a voice like that, but the memory eludes me. I have to reach farther and grasp it.  I slowly open my eyes and sit up. All the while the guy and Ina are having a conversation. "I remember you. You were that guy that told me where Ina was." "Iko! How are you feeling?! Do you have your glasses?!" "No I'm okay. I can live without my glasses. At least for today. Why don't you introduce me to your friend?" She glared at the guy and he laughed. "Who? That jerk over there? His name is Haseo." "Well sir, I owe you my thanks." "Oh please. No need for formalities. Just call me Haseo. But how do you know I was the one that saved you?" "It's just a hunch, but if you don't mind me asking, weren't your eyes red?" "What?" He looked perplexed, but then again,"Sorry I guess it was just my imagination." I would be to if someone told me that when I clearly had blue eyes, but something about what he said still shook me to the core. "Well you are something else. Yes I do have red eyes. I'm actually surprised you remember me. Most humans would have forgotten me by now." "What do you mean?" "Can you stand up by your self?" "With all due respect Haseo, what does me being able to stand have to do with my question?" "Trust me Iko. Its better if he just shows you." I looked at Ina, but I couldn't find the faintest trace of a smile, so I tried to stand. I felt an agonizing pain in my ribs and a slight throbbing in my head;however, I was able to remain in my feet. Two steps and I would have collapsed on the floor if Ina wouldn't have caught me. "At least you were able to stand right?" She smiled but I knew that it was forced. "Thanks. I think I can handle it now." "Are you sure? I could help you if you want." "I'll be okay." She helped me get up and let me go. It still hurt like hell but I was able to manage. After a few minutes, we were able to get leave the hospital. Ina was already wearing her usual attire. So I got into mine. "You're wearing that again? Come on Iko! You don't have to look presentable for EVERY occasion! It wouldn't kill you to wear a t-shirt and jeans would it?" "I think I could endear the embarrassment, but if I did that, then one of your friends might not like me as much." "Wait. WHAT?!" "He's joking." I still didn't know where we were going and I could tell that it was starting to bother Ina. "Where are you taking us anyways? Is it going to be in another alley?" "Did I miss something while I was recovering?" Ina glared at me when she said,"You have no idea." Obviously it was something that occurred between Haseo and her because Haseo started to laugh. We finally arrived to a cafe named The Olive Tavern. "Why are we going in here?" Haseo turned around and looked at Ina and said,"there hamburger steaks are to die for. You know, I don't always feed off of hearts and rotten souls. Sometimes, the only thing that can satisfy the pit in my stomach is human food." I still didn't fully understand how Haseo was claiming to be a demon, but he seemed to have convinced Ina. After going in and sitting at a table that was located next to a window, we ordered our food and Haseo turned to look outside the window and said,"Remember when you asked me what I meant when I told you people can't normally remember that I exists?" "Yes." I saw that he was looking at the people passing by. "How many waitresses are there? And don't look up." I thought about that for a second before answering. "Three?" "You were close. It's actually four." I looked up and saw the fourth waitress serving a young couple. "I didn't even see her. But how?" "I wouldn't have noticed her either but her sins gave her away. Cheating on your husband and lying that the child you had was his is never the purest of things. I can tell where someone is because I can sense their temptations. Their anger. Their corruption. The reason people forget me is because I'm basically the very essence of their impurity." "What do you mean?" That caught Ina's attention. "Yeah. Does that mean that you're a part of everyone?" "Well yes and no. I was born from....oh look! The food is here!" Ina and I turned to see a waitress with a tray of food. That didn't satisfy Ina's curiosity nor mine. We were about to ask him, but he interrupted us by holding out his hand and telling us it could wait after our meal. I could tell that Ina was hungry, so I didn't purse the matter any longer. After our meal, we left the cafe and went for a walk in Central Park. "There are four ways a demon is born. The most common way is for two demons to mate." "Demons have children?" That must've been news to Ina. I've read some of the books about demons that she had but I never found anything about demons having children either. "Yes. We do. The second way a demon is born is when the very core of a human's soul becomes rotten and starts to crumple until only a shell of their former selves remains. The third way is for an angle to become corrupt. After that, they become fallen angles. Then, they become dark angles. And finally, they become the very thing they once hunted down like an animal. The fourth way a demon can be born is the most unusual. The anger, fears, temptations, greed, lust, and corruption of people manifest in one place. As time goes on, the stronger the manifestation becomes stronger until A demon is molded and given life." "A being of pure darkness and evil. And yet here we are because of you. Haseo." Indeed. Something to think about. It obliviously puzzled Ina and Haseo himself. That was a truth that had no clear answer. I kept walking further into the park. Trying to answer the same question I stated. Why would a being born from the sins and corruption of men save two teenagers? I looked down at my left hand and saw the tattoo that I had gotten quite some time ago. The same tattoo I'd gotten so that a piece of my own being could be reminded of what I did. "There has more. Something made him save us. Something that he isn't telling us." I said this to myself as I saw a young girl chasing a what I assumed to be a monarch butterfly. I looked down at my tattoo once again. Remembering the event that changed who I was.
A question worth asking in my opinion. And congratulations if you got the anime references! Suggestions are appreciated!

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