The Thirst For Knowledge

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Ina's POV
Iko went off to how knows where. I keep telling him he can count on me for anything but he keeps saying that he can take care of his own problems. It worries me a lot. "Hey. Where did your brother go off to?" "I don't know." He was bound to turn up at some point or another. "Well that's inconvenient." "It sure is."Now do you have time to answer my questions?" "Okay fine, but only if we can go to the library." I was wondering how Iko was supposed to find us but I really wanted to learn more about Haseo. "How do you suppose that Iko finds us?" "Oh wait! I could just track him down! Now if I only remembered how he smelled like." "You smelled my brother?!" "Not his body smell you pervert. The smell of his soul." "Oh okay. I was just..wait what?!" Before I could say anything else he vanished.
Iko's POV
I wondered aimlessly through the park until I felt someone grab me by the shoulder. I turned around and saw that it was Haseo. "That was easier than I thought, but then again, not very many people walk with the guilt that you do." He grinned and kept starring at my eyes. I just stood there. Frozen in fear that he knew what I did three years ago. "I won't tell your beloved sister if you answer one tiny question." I nodded my head. Then he asked, "Why did you do it?" "That's the exact same question that I ask myself each time I'm able to spend time with the person I cherish." He turned around and started walking. "Follow me if you want  to find your sister." I did as I was told. Wondering why he was satisfied with my answer.
Ina's POV
It took about five minutes for Haseo to come back with Iko. "Iko! Why did you just walk off like that?! And You!" I walked towards Haseo and slapped him. "That's for calling me a pervert!" He just laughed at me. "Do you want the answers to your questions or not?" "Yes I do but don't call me a pervert ever again!" Haseo just started walking ahead of us and we followed. It didn't take long until we arrived at a library. We walked up to the third floor and sat at a table. "Okay. Know just grab a random book and pretend to ask questions based on them." "Why would we do that?" Iko pulled a book from the shelf and sat next to me. I looked at the book that he had gotten when he said,"That way, people won't look at us as if we had gone mad." "Exactly. Maybe you should start acting more like your brother little girl." I stood up from my seat to go get a book. I turned to look at him in the eyes. "I'm not a little girl you asshole. I'm sixteen!" I sat back down. "Sure whatever. Anyways, you asked me if I could live off of human food before correct?" "Yes I did." "Well I can but I can only do that for about a week until it starts to taste like ash. After that, I have to resort to more drastic measures." "What do you mean?" Iko was looking down at his left hand again. I've always wondered why he got that tattoo in the first place but he would never tell me. "That's when I have to kill someone and eat their heart, but then again, I could always feed on corruption. But I don't feel like getting into a prison for a three-hundredth time." "Don't suppose that they take you in willingly do they? And why does it have to be a human heart?" "No they don't and I never said it had to only humans. The purer the being's soul is, the better the heart is. Angel have the absolute best hearts to eat. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water." This was getting weird but I knew Iko wanted to know more. "Can you eat the hearts of demons?" Haseo looked at Iko and grinned. "I can, but demon hearts have a special thing to them." "What would that be?" "If a demon kills and eats the heart of another demon, then that demon becomes more powerful." "Have you done that before?" Haseo kept grinning and I could see that his teeth were sharper than a regular persons. "Oh yes. Multiple times. That's the reason why I'm hunted by demons and feared by others." I couldn't help but look at him with pity. How could live like that? Being chased every where he went. "Don't look at me like that. You couldn't have done anything about it anyways. What I did and still do is my own business." "How old are you?" "I think I'm about I'm about one-thousand six-hundred sixteen years old. Why do ask Ika?" "Oh my god you're that old?! You hardly look over Iko's age! And My name is Ina! With an n!" "Well most demons don't usually live that long. They usually die fighting other demons or they are killed be Angels. At least according to this book." Iko and I looked at each other and then at Haseo, but before we could say anything, he pointed at a woman that was being accompanied by a small child. I couldn't explain it but they had a strange aura about them. "Does that book say anything about Angels Haseo?" "Well let's see." He flipped through a few pages and all the while the woman and the child kept staring at us. "Here's something. Angels hunt demons down to control the corruption that humanity faces and the way they do it is by looking into the soul of the being's they suspect to be demons;however, if a demon is corrupted enough then Angels can just smell the corruption instead." He slammed the book shut and turned around to face the woman and the child. "That being said, a demon has its own ways for tracking down Angels. They can just smell the purity of beings. Plus. It's not very easy hiding wings without wearing jackets." He stood up and placed his hands in his pockets. "Am I correct? You two should know after all." That's when it hit me. Those two were Angels but that could only mean one thing. Before any of us could move, there where six loud gun shots and the little girl fell to the ground. A pool of blood was surrounding her lifeless body as Haseo held a black gun that had smoke coming from the barrel. "You didn't even hesitate...she was a girl and you just murdered her in cold blood!" Haseo laughed and grinned while he spoke. "Don't even say that bullshit to me! We were the exact same except she was an angel and I am a demon! She would've killed me without a second thought but now she's just an empty shell! But if your that eager to be reunited with her then I could easily arrange that! After all, I still have one bullet left." At that the woman tore her coat to pieces. She was wearing a white, metal, chest piece with golden trimmings and solid white leggings that appeared to be made of the same material as the chest piece. She drew a golden sword with a white pattern on the blade. Her wings where pure white. She pointed the sword towards Haseo. "You will pay for your crimes demon." Haseo looked at her. His eyes shined the color of blood and he vanished for a second reappeared behind the angle. He thrust his hand through her abdomen before she could react. Blood splattered all over the the and table. The smell of iron was sickening. She dropped the sword and tried to talk but coughed up blood. "You want to know how I did this don't you. I'll tell you how. I've been hunted down by your kind for years." He thrust his other hand into her abdomen and lifted her from the ground. Then he started to tear her in half by spreading his hands apart. She frantically kicked out and tried to scream but she only kept coughing out blood. We could hear the bones snapping and her organs rupturing. "JUST KILL HER ALREADY!! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO TORTURE HER LIKE THIS!!" He didn't listen to me. He just kept spreading her body apart slowly until he finally tore her in half. "Now comes my favorite part of killing an angel." I turned away and buried my face into Iko's shoulder and cried. But I could still hear Haseo tearing at the women's heart. The fast, frantic, chewing sounds as he ate it made me want to hurl. "Oh wow! I almost forgot how good an angel's heart tasted!" I could hear him laughing hysterically while he said."NOW ITS TIME FOR THE LITTLE ONE!!" I made the mistake to look back. I saw him tear the coat and armor with ease and sink his teeth into the chest of the girl and tearing away a large portion of her flesh. I turned back and whispered."I want to leave..." Iko whispered into my ear,"I know Ina...I know."
I am EXTREMELY sorry for not updating in a while! Hope you all forgive me! Remember! Suggestions are appreciated!

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