Prologue: Before It All Began

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       The indigo clouds glared down at a young couple walking swiftly through the thickly wooded forest carrying their young children. The baby started to cry. The woman quickly placed her hand over the baby's mouth and glanced behind her. Clunk, clunk, clunk. The couple began sprinting as the soldiers pursued them. The footsteps sounded closer and closer. The couple fled even faster towards their destination which was directly ahead. All the man and woman needed was a few more minutes. The man grabbed and parted the brush at the side of the path as they hurriedly stepped inside. The couple concealed where they had left the forest trail. The couple dashed up the hill. There they quietly left their children on the doorstep of a large farmhouse. As the pair walked out of the brush and back onto the forest trail hands reached out and seized them. The soldiers had captured them. What if they discovered the safe haven that lay behind them? Then to the couple's relief, a man barked, "Take 'em to the general." The lieutenant smiled maliciously.  His whole face filled with triumph as the couple was escorted away. Finally, he had them under his grasp. Those two had caused his legion great trouble. The small company marched away into the night towards the general singing joyfully as the young couple wept with relief that the secret had not been discovered and for the pain that was to come. Both knew in their hearts their capture meant the end. The stories were true. The man and woman were never seen again.                                                          

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