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I stare at Sans. His left eye was glowing more than before, but not in the normal blue anger or magic type way. But yellow. His right eye socket was empty and his left looked like it could be normal but instead of the area surrounding the animalistic yellow iris being white, it was black just like his pupil. He looked almost nothing like the Sans I knew. He was at least three inches taller and seemed more laid back and as if he always looked kind of smug. But right now his eyes were open wide and his breathing sparatic and his mouth was hanging open. His holed hands were clenched into fists and he was shaking slightly.

I was completely flustered. I could feel the redness of my face and my heart was beating like crazy. I felt all tingly. Very tingly. A different type of tingly than I'm used to. I try to catch my breath and chew on my lip. Chara was too shocked to even speak.

"Asriel never kisses me like that." Is all I can muster. I can feel my face grow more red as I look down at my lap. The way Sans looked and acted and sounded today after picking me up from the castle sent tidal waves of shock and undeniable lust through me. I liked him like this, the Gaster-Sans. He seemed more comfortable with himself. He would never have been able to kiss me like that as his normal Sans. But I knew why he didn't like this version. I just wish he did. He was extremely hot, sexy even. The way his jacket was short and open, showing his ribs and spine. The way his jeans sat lower on his pelvic bone...

What am I thinking? I have Asriel for fucks sake I don't need to be thinking about Sans that way. Sans is my friend. Only my friend. Just kissing him like I did was bad enough now these thoughts?

"Frisk oh my God. I'm so sorry! I-I-I..." he fumbles then takes off running. He ran across the bridge seeds and back towards his home in Snowdin. I stand up shakily and make my way out of the alcove. I see Aaron looking confused off in a corner talking to Shyren and I ignore the look he gives me.

"I think we should find somewhere else to stay for tonight." I mumble to Chara.

Yes, that sounds like a good idea. She replies. She was still just as shocked as me from that whole ordeal. I had no idea but Chara seemed to have known. I walk past Sans and Paps house and over to the Inn. No one worked there anymore but they left everything running. I make my way upstairs and enter one of the rooms and flop on the bed.

"Chara..." I say after a while. She'd come back to my eyes, causing things to go slightly red and wobbly before returning to normal.


"We can't hide from Asriel or Sans forever." I tell her. She seemed to agree. I sigh and take off my jacket before curling up under the covers.



Do you like Sans...as more than a friend I mean. She asks.

I think for a moment. I wasn't sure to be honest. I'd only ever saw him as the punny skelebro that watched over me. I never thought about him being anything else. Chara sighs and tells me goodnight and we slowly drift off to sleep.

The dreams were flying by in a haze and I couldn't keep up. Chara seemed to understand and was shaking. I could see her now, in the dream realm. She was about my height and she had reddish hair the same length and style as mine. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were slightly red. She was also much paler than I was. She was wearing a green and yellow stripped top and some brown shorts. Her boots were also brown and went up to her ankle.

"Chara...what's going on? What is all this?" I ask her, gesturing to the images flying by.

"I'm going to show you what he did to me." She mumbles. She seemed to be looking for something. I look back at the flying images and one stops. It was Chara tied down on an operating like table, there was a giant machine dangling above her. She was crying. Her eyes were all red and puffy. But they were also a pale hazel color, not red.

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