9 months

31 1 0

Did anyone think we was going to last?

To be truthfully, I didn't think we was going to last. Hell 6 months was my longest Fr Fr relationship with a girl who was out with me.  That relationship was just STUPID!!! Now I can honestly say I'm the happiest girl alive. It's all because of Tianna! No one knows how hard it is in the situation I'm in. The situation in my heart, my home and my life. No one knows but her. She understands and don't mind. That's true love, someone who won't judge you for anything, from the way you sleep, to how stinky your poop is to the way you cry. That person always sees the beauty and cuteness in everything you do. Their heart races in every second and they can glance at you and pause and think of every second of how they want to spend the rest of their life with you. That person is your soul mate. I have mine. In 5 months I will write more. I want to do a time distance and see how it's changed. Thank you for reading ‼️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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