100 Question Challenge (edited)

294 12 83

1. Your real name?

Marrisa Jade Quintero, but i prefer to be called Jay now ♡

2. Your nickname?

potatoe buddy, dumbass, Jay jay, J, JJ, Ghostie, Boo, etc.

3. Your favorite colors?


4. Your gender?


5. School grade?

9th (lovely)

6. Your hair color?

It is buzzed on the sides and back, naturally black, the top a bit long, changed colors over time, have done red, purple, blue, green, soon going back to black then white, grey, then healthy black for a bit.

7. Tall or short?

5'1..........short. ._.

(Edit) Still short but 5'2 lmao

8. Sweats or jeans?

I sleep in jeans. They're comfortable to me XD

(Edit) still jeans lol its too hot in arizona for sweats

9. Cellphone or camera?

Hmm... I've always strangely wanted a camera, but Cellphone.

(Edit) i realize how weird this question is, but im still on camera's side but now i have a phone lol

10. Health freak?

Erm..... *shuts my dirty bedroom door* Nah.

(Edit) still the same un healthy freak lol

11. Apples or oranges?

Oranges.... Apples scare me.. long story.

(Edit) still oranges lol

12. Crush?

Fuck love get money

(Edit) oh my poor young self, im dating someone atm, after that if it doesnt end well, back to "Fuck love get money"

13. Guy or girl friends?

Both tbh. I've got a bunch of guy friends more than girls doe.

(Edit) same ^^

14. Piercings?

No but I want them Dx

(Edit) still no, still want them, but now im more into tattoos

15. Pepsi or coke?

...no one hurt me for this but does it really matter?

(Edit) still dont care lol

16. Have you ever flown in a plane?

FUCK THAT. heights terrify me /.\

(Edit) Hah no thx

17. *notification* Sting Eucliffe has followed you on insta!

*too tired and lazy to even understand*

(Edit) still confused

18. Ever dated?

Yup. 3. And 2/3....... don't ask.

(Edit) hah im a whore 7 now

19. Ever been In a car crash?

Sadly yes.

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