Chapter Fifteen

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*Savannah's POV*
(This may be triggering for some people. If it is don't read until you get to Demi's POV. I'll leave a general description at the end for those of you who skipped it.)

Demi Let me go get some fresh air. My anxiety and claustrophobia was out of control. I just got outside and dropped. I was coughing and was surprised my lungs wren't somewhere on the ground. You know the feeling right? Well after I caught my breathe I stood up and made my way back inside. But before I got there somebody grabbed my arms.

"Hey, let me go!" I yelled.

But I turned and came face to face with Chris.

"So you still haven't learned how to keep you fucking mouth shut? Well trust me I'll make sure you know this time." Chris says.

I try to run and kick my way away from him but he's stronger than me. He hit me in the head with something the next thing I know everything goes black. When I wake up I'm in a dark room I tried to move but my head hurts like fuck. I try to move my arms but they're chained to the bed. I ignore the pain that's shooting through my head and try to get up. I stop moving when the door opens.

"Looks whose up." Chris says.

He comes and lays next to me.

"You know I missed you. I mean when I was with you you just hit puberty but now look at you. Your really beautiful you know that right?" Chris asks.

He rolls over so now he's on top of me.

"I have a few friends who want to see you but I want you all to myself first. You never forget your first right?"

I just start crying thinking of what happened when I was younger.

"Oh no baby don't cry you look so much prettier when you smile."

He rips off my shirt and starts kissing my stomach. Rubbing his hands all over me. I felt so disgusted I wanted to push him off and run but my arms and legs were chained down to the bed. He took off my bra and bit down on my breast. I screamed at the top of my lungs but he just did it over and over again. He then took off my bottoms I knew what was coming next. I try to think of anything besides what was happening down there but I couldn't. I felt him forcing himself inside of me. I just laid their thinking about what I did wrong in my life to deserve this. When he was done he came and kiss me hard and rough. He ran his hand over the scar my dad left. My dad...The man who felt so bad he killed himself...Then there are people like Chris who don't care I wonder what has to happen is someones life for them to feel like they need to force somebody to be intimate.

Chris finally left and I thought I was going to be okay well at least for a while. But oh was I so terribly wrong. One after another they just kept coming. You know when you feel so low in your life you just become numb? I'm so far past that I wish one of them would come in here with a gun a just kill me. It would be a hell of a lot easier than this...

*Demi's POV*

*3 weeks later*

Its been 3 weeks since Savannah was kidnapped. Its been 3 weeks since I've slept. Its been 3 weeks since I've ate. Its been 3 weeks since my heart was taken from me. The police keep saying their working on it or they'll tell me when they have something. We'll while they're working on it I'm over here balling my eyes out. My management had me move in with my family so I don't do anything stupid. But I need them to stop worrying about me and just find her. My mom comes into my room and lays in the bed with me. She wraps her arm around me and starts talking.

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