Chapter 14

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Jake's POV
Wow my kids are here I'm a little freaked out about everything that happen. I guess my kids are toddlers and bad ass like their mom and dad. My little girls run up to me and I ask Darcy what happened and she said a big scary looking man pushed her. I hurriedly ran to where Darcy directed me. I saw my beta Chris he was my father's beta and never had a son, and his slut of a daughter wasn't becoming my beta. What did you do to my little girl "that worthless piece of shit was in my way along with those 4 things you call kids". I grabbed him by his throat and said in a low dark voice you are no longer a member of my pack and if I ever catch you on my territory you will be killed instantly. He started to scream on agony as his pack bond broke. He ran into the woods not before saying he will be back.
I am in my office when lily Chris mate comes and thanks me. I am confused so she explains" Chris is not my real mate he killed my real mate and forced his mark upon me". My anger grows with this information his can I not know one of my pack members was going through so much pain. I feel like a have failed but on the bright side my wedding is in two months. I need to find a new beta by next week. This is going to be hard.

I know it is a short chapter don't hate me Cus I try.

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