Chapter 8:

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Shikamaru's POV
Temari and I walked out of the hospital in a tense silence. Once we were out I stepped in front of her, preventing her to move forward. She sighed and looked at the ground.
-" What?"- She asked innocently. My anger started rising up.
-" What do you mean 'what'?!? Would you care to explain what's going on?"- I asked. She rubbed her right arm.
-" It's complicated."- She whispered.
-" What do you mean it's complicated?!? I thought you knew better than doing this to yourself, especially being a kunoichi."- I said, disappointment and hurt evident in my voice. Was she into drugs? I didn't think so... But what if I was mistaken? Her head snapped up in anger.
-" Doing this to myself? What the hell Shikamaru! You don't know anything so stop accusing me of lies."- She said.
-" Then tell me!"- I pleaded. She sighed.
-" I can't."- She said looking down once again.
-" Of course you can. It's a matter of courage."- I said.
-" Not this time. I literally can't."- She said, her head snapping back up.
-" Are you physically unable to tell me?"- I asked. She shook her head. -" See? Of course you can tell me! You know you can trust me."- I said.
-" I know. But it's out of my hands. Sorry."- She said.
-" Temari, whatever's going on is dangerous. I don't know if that drug was implanted by you or someone else. But what I do know is that it caused you pain, and I won't just step back. I..."- I started. But what did I want to say?
-" Yes?"- She pushed.
-" I... I'm your bodyguard. And you won't get hurt on my watch."- I said. Her shoulders dropped a little.
-" Oh. Thanks."- She said.
-" So... Will you tell me?"- I asked.
-" Not right now Shikamaru."- She said and started walking, completely ignoring my protests. I grunted and followed her. -" So..."- She started, changing the subject.
-" So..."- I said. She smirked at my awkward response.
-" I'm actually hungry and it's like 4:00 pm. Wanna get something to eat?"- She asked. I shrugged. After that shock I wasn't all that hungry.
-" Sure."- I said anyway.
-" Cool. Let me just step by my hotel real quick to grab something."- She said. I raised an eyebrow.
-" What?"- I asked.
-" Oh nothing. You know, girl stuff."- She said and we walked to her hotel in a comfortable silence.

Temari's POV
I entered my room and shut the door behind me. I let out a heavy breath I didn't realize I was holding. I had come to clear my head for a bit and try to tie my pigtails better. I could feel them coming apart. I walked to my bed and realized there was a neatly folded piece of paper on top of my drawer. I curiously opened it and started to read.

You weren't careful enough.
This is the last polite warning.
I hope you remember my terms, for those are the ones keeping your comrades alive.
You better be careful.
I don't give second chances.

I angrily ripped the paper and threw it in the trash can. How dare he speak to me, the ambassador of Suna and sister of the Kazekage, so disrespectfully? Did he think he could control me? He had no power over me! Only he did. He had great influence over my friends' security, the one thing I valued more than my own life. I wouldn't let him hurt them. Not in a million years. Forgetting all about my hair I walked out of the room and found Shikamaru waiting for me.
-" Erm... You okay? You seem a little worked up."- He said.
-" I'm perfectly fine. No need to worry. Now, come on! My stomach isn't gonna feed itself."- I said clearing my throat and walking outside the hotel.

Shikamaru and I decided to eat somewhere near due to my muscle ache. So we opted for Ichiraku's. We sat down and Shikamaru let out a frustrated sigh.
-" What's wrong?"- I asked. He chuckled.
-" Nothing... I mean... It's just that these past few days have been awful. I'm just tired of all this shit."- He said. I laughed.
-" Well, you're always tired lazy ass. You're right though. It has been a pretty weird week. I wish we could just... Hang out."- I said, feeling my face redden by the minute.
-" You know what? I think we should."- He said. I widened my eyes.
-" Huh?"-
-" Yeah... I mean... Why not? Let's have a picnic or something. We deserve it. Besides, you don't have to work until tomorrow afternoon, right?" - He said.
-" Uh... Yeah... That sounds nice."- I said, rubbing the back of my neck. He smiled.
-" Cool. Maybe we should spend the afternoon elsewhere, then. Unless your muscles hurt too much, of course."- He suggested.
-" I'm fine. I actually like the idea of going somewhere else. This has become a little mundane."- I said with a giggle.
-" Okay. Then come on, let's get a couple of sandwiches at the local store and follow me."- He said, standing up.
A couple of minutes later, I was already following Shikamaru through the forest. I knew this was risky, especially with the masked douche following my every move. But I really wanted to hang out with him. We lived too far apart, after all. We walked for what seemed like ages until I got frustrated.
-" Are we there yet?"- I asked impatiently.
-" What are you? Four? No, we're not there yet."- He said, rolling his eyes playfully at me.
-" Well I'm sorry for being impatient!"- I retorted.
-" Tch. You're very troublesome, you know that?"- He said with a smirk.
-" So I've been told."- I said, planting a smirk of my own on my face.
-" Whatever."- He huffed. -" Anyway, we're here."- He said. I looked around and noticed we were in a meadow. Several small flowers peeped through the long grass, and sunlight covered the place making it glow in magnificence.
-" Wow... You do have everything in Konoha, don't you?"- I asked.
-" Nope. We don't have sand."- He said.
-" That tends to be better in most cases, trust me."- I said, remembering the harsh environment of my homeland.
-" Well, let's eat."- He said, sitting down. I sat down with him and he handed me a sandwich and some water.
-" Thanks."- I said and started eating.
-" So, we didn't talk much about your brothers last time we ate together. How are they?"- He asked in between bites.
-" Oh, they're fine. Gaara has been pretty busy with the whole Kazekage thing going on. But I think he's adjusted pretty well. As for Kankuro... Well, he's the same as always. Apparently he has taken a liking to pranks. Especially when they involve messing with me or our generals. But you know, that's just how he is."- I said with a small smile.
-" Yeah... He's a lot like Naruto or Kiba in that sense. What about you? What has the great Ambassador of Suna been up to?"- He asked with a smirk.
-" Well, nothing special. As I said before, Suna's been pretty calm recently. I've been from place to place making deals and alliances. Or simply checking on the other villages, in case I find something weird. What about you? Any girlfriends?"- I asked and regretted it the minute I said it. Shikamaru, caught by surprise, widened his eyes, blushed and choked on a piece of sandwich.
-" Where did that come from?"- He asked, recovering from the sudden question.
-" Oh, you know. Just curious."- I said. He rubbed the back of his neck, clearly a bit uncomfortable.
-" As a matter of fact, yeah. I dated Ino a few months ago."- He said. I widened my eyes.
-" Ino? I didn't know you liked her in that way."- I said, shocked, and a little disappointed.
-" I don't! It wasn't anything serious. Ino is a bit of a player, you know? It didn't work out... We only dated for three months."- He said.
-" Three months?!? That's not a short period of time you know."- I said.
-" I guess not... But there wasn't any chemistry between us. I mean... Ino is more of a sister than a romantic partner to me. I'm not interested in her in that way. I thought I'd give it a shot, considering she has been my teammate for years. But I don't feel anything romantic towards her."- He said anxiously, as if convincing me was crucial.
-" Oh... Okay."- I said. Shikamaru relaxed a little.
-" What about you? Any... Erm... Boyfriends?"- He asked.
-" No... No I haven't dated anyone."- I said. Not that I hadn't had some guys confess to me that they liked me, I just hadn't felt the same way towards them.
-" Oh... Okay."- Shikamaru said, unable to hide the small smile creeping up his face. We talked for a few hours, enjoying each other's company. And at some point, we laid down on the grass. I looked at Shikamaru, who had his eyes closed, and smiled. He looked very peaceful... Very happy. I took a deep breath and slowly wiggled towards him. I approached and rested my head on top of his broad chest with hesitation. But, unlike what I expected, he didn't say anything. He just stayed in the same position, welcoming my sudden embrace. I smiled and closed my eyes, feeling myself fall into a deep slumber.

Shikamaru's POV
It had been an hour since Temari fell asleep on my chest. She had caught me by surprise, but I'd decided not to move an inch. And to be honest, it was the right decision. I hadn't slept at all during the past hour. Her presence made it impossible for me to relax. And the only thing I hoped, was that my beating heart hadn't woken her up when it went wild. Why did she make me feel like this? What was so special about her? I looked at the dark sky. As much as I hated it, it was time for us to go. I shook her shoulder lightly.
-" Temari? It's time to go."- I said. She grunted.
-" Five more minutes..."- She said sloppily. I smiled.
-" And you call me lazy ass? Hm. Troublesome."- I teased. She opened her eyes slowly and sat up. She looked at me with a rather bored expression and sighed.
-" I'm tired."- She complained.
-" Tired? How can you be tired after an hour of sleep?"- I asked with a small smile. She was adorable.
-" You should know better than anyone, Nara."- She said with a smirk.
-" Touché."- I said with a small chuckle. Temari yawned widely and I shook my head in exasperation. -" You ain't moving are you?"- I asked. She shook her head. -" Hmph. Troublesome."- I said and stood up. I carefully placed my left arm under her knees and my right arm under hers and swiftly started carrying her to the village. But unlike the first time I did this, she didn't complain. In fact, she rested her head on my shoulder and fell fast asleep. I smiled at her sleeping figure and happily took her back home.

Hey minna! Wow, Temari and Shikamaru seem to be getting comfortable around each other ;) However, let's not forget the masked man. Didn't he specifically order Temari not to approach Shikamaru? What'll he think now? Stay tuned! Next chapter coming soon!

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