My Story Starts

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I do not own the avengers or spiderman or any of the marvel characters.

When I open my eyes I see a nice spring day, I am sitting on a blanket with a woman who has a kind smile and lines on her face from smiling. The man sitting next to her has little bits of gray in his hair and smile lines near his eyes. I feel the sun on my face and the wind in my hair, is this is what freedom feels like? I could stay here for ever.


That can only mean one thing, my alarm for school. I sit up to the same old gray walls and same old tattered sheets. I realize that those wonderful thoughts was not my reality but a dream that I wished to live in. I go to a boarding school in Oregon, I am not the most popular girl in school but I have a few friends. 

Now you may be wondering if I had such a great life in New York why am I here well that is a long story and it stats when I was about 9 months old:

It was late on a Monday night in New York. The tv in the den was on and there is low voices talking. The house was dark and it seems to be quiet and normal. All of a sudden the lights and tv go out. This feeling of fear was in the air. Then there was a scream, a woman's scream. Thought the dark you can see her run towards a room and try to close the door, but it is forced opened. Then the house is quiet again. Laying on the floor  in the den is my father he is gone with his eyes closed and tear stains on his face. And I the dark room to the left is my mother, her eyes wide open and you can tell that the only thing more important to her other than her life is mine. She died protecting me.

I was past off to my uncle Peter Parker and his parents, my grandparents. We lived happily for 5 years.

One night in late July Peter's parents started running around the house looking for something. They began to pack bags for us and themselves.
"When are we going mommy?" Peter asked.
"You and Samantha are going to stay with you aunt and uncle for a bit. Mommy and daddy have to take a little trip." She replied.
Thank night we where left with out aunt May and uncle Ben, Peter had to quit referring to me as his niece and start calling me his sister. After that night we never saw them again. We where told that the plane they where on never made it to where they were going.

After that everyone should know how spider man came to be. I was right by his side all along as Speck.

When we lost aunt May to cancer S.H.I.E.A.L.D placed us with the one and only Tony Stark. He shipped us both off to boarding school. He said it was to keep us safe. Peter never seemed to believe that explanation.

But some where in my hart I knew that it was true that he really did want to protect us from what ever was killing our family.

I hope you liked my first chapter. There will be more soon. Follow and comments are welcome

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