I hate you - Kageyama x Reader

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It's afternoon and classes has already ended.
You were in a good mood and excited to go home because you will be reading a new manga you really like.

As you were happily walking down the stairs, you suddenly bumped into a guy. Both of you fell down the stairs, but luckily both of you did not had any major injuries. Just scratches. The guy yelled at you and said,

"Watch where you're going you idiot!"

You said "What did you just say?!"

You were so pissed off and he just ran away. You said
"What is wrong with that person! He just ruined my day!"

You got up and went home. You were really in a bad mood. You kept thinking about that rude guy at school and promise to take revenge from ruining your day.


The next day at school.
It was lunch break and you were going to the vending machine to buy your favorite milk. As you approached the vending machine you saw the guy you bumped with. And with all your strength you punched him in the face.


He said "What was that for??!?"

You replied "That was for calling me an Idiot and ruining my day yesterday!"

He clicked his tongue "Tch! You...!"

As he was on the ground you were finding your favorite milk on the vending machine but there's nothing left. You noticed him holding the last box of it.

You said "What! You got the last one!"

He said "Yes, is there a problem idiot girl?"

You both stared madly at each other and then suddenly..
The school bell rang, which means lunch is over.

He simply turned around and walked away.
While deep in your thoughts you said
"I hate him!"


The next day. You are in your class and the teacher distributes your PE grades. When you got your paper you saw your grade. You had a failing grade but you weren't surprised because you know you suck at sports.

Later that afternoon, The teacher called you to go to the guidance office and there she talked about your failing grade.

She said "(Last name)-kun, All your other subjects are good. Except for PE"

You said "Sensei what can I do to help my grades? I cant fail this semester, my parents will kill me!"

She said "I know what you can do, You should join a club. If you are a member of a sports club it will add grades on your Physical Education subject and you will pass"

You replied "But sensei, i'm not good at sports"

She replied "I know! The Karasuno Mens Volleyball team needs a new manager! If you are the manager you are not required to play. There are no more clubs accepting members since its the middle of the semester so if I were you, I will pass an application form immediately"

You nodded, thinking that this is your only choice. You can't afford to fail because your parents are very strict in terms of your studies. So within that day you filled up the application form and passed it to your Sensei.


The next day your teacher told you that you got accepted as a new manager of the volleyball team. She introduced you to the volleyball team's teacher in charge, Takeda Sensei. You were so happy that you save your grades. Takeda sensei brought you to the gym to introduce you to the Mens Volleyball players.

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