Chapter 4

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Myungeun POV

"Deng.. dong.. deng...."
Flights to Korea will be leaving shortly. Passengers are advised to be prepared.

I got up from the chair and get ready to takeoff. I looked over to my aunt. She just smiled at me.

"Aunt Jung Ah, I should be gone now," I said. Sadly,I had to leave Aunt Jung Ah alone here.

"Okay, baby. Take care of yourself when you get there." I just want to cry now. I hug her. She hug me back. I place my head to her shoulder. I'm a bit taller than her.

"Aunt,plaese take care of yourself here. I will come visit you with my omma and appa" I said.

"Nah,okay!" I let go of the hug.

"Alright,auntie. I've to go now" I smile to her. I pulled my luggage up to the main door.

I turn my head towards Aunt JungAh. She waved her hand. I waved her back.


Jimin POV

I looked at the clock at the classroom wall. The clock showed 12.30 pm. There're a few hours Myungeun will arrive in Korea. I can't wait to see her. Last night,I promised her that I would pick her up at the airport today.

Only a few minutes left before class over. I'm going to the mall to buy something for Myungeun. After that,I will pick her up at the airport.

"Kringgggggg.... kringggg..."
Yeah!Finally,school is over!

"All right, class. That's all for today. Don't forget to do your homework that I gave you. Class, dismiss," said Mr. Jongdae.

I packed my books and put them in my backpack. I rush out of the classroom and headed to my locker. I opened the locker and put my books in the locker. I ran out of the school and took my bike at the bike park.

"Hey, Jimin!" someone called me from behind. I turned to the voice that called me and it was Kim Jiyeon.
"Ouh.Hey,Kim Jiyeon." I smiled to her.
"I saw you rush out of the class, why? Where do you want to go?" She asked me.
"I want to go to the mall. I have something to buy"

"Oh! Really? I also want to go there. Can we go together?" Jiyeon said happily. I smiled. I thought for a moment. I looked at Jiyeon who's make a round eyes who's waiting for my answer.

"Okay! Come seat here!" I patted the seat behind me. She look at me with a curious look.

"Why? Sohyun-a come! We ride by bicycle to go there. We can get there quickly if we ride a bicycle" I said to her.

"Okay,then!" I pulled her hand to seat behind me. She hug me from the back. I'm in shock plus happy.

"Okay,kajja!" I start to cycling.

*times skip*

we arrived at the mall. We entered the mall.

I looked around the mall. Me and Jiyeon walk past all of the shops.

Suddenly Jiyeon pulled my hand towards a women's clothing store.

"What are we doing here?"I asked Jiyeon.

"I want to buy a few pairs of clothes"

I looked around the shop. I accidentally seen undies. OH MY INNOCENT EYES! I quickly cover my eyes with my hands. I turned to the other side. I quickly moved away from Jiyeon.

"Jimin,where are you going?" Sohyun grabbed my wrist.

"Eo? No ! I didn't go anywhere" I looked at Sohyun.

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