The Allure of the Dark

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"Seraphina, dear, you have been asleep for two days. Wake up, or I'll tip the mattress." I heard a voice say, and felt water splashing my face. "I can see your eyes moving."

Groaning, I opened my eyes, seeing my twin sister looking over me. "You tip the mattress I burn you. Where are we, that was a Vortex Manipulator, right? Nasty time travel."

My sister nodded, getting up and motioning to it on the bedside table. "Took it from your daughter. Said that it was messing with her telepathy, and the more she used it the more she'd hear voices from past and future too."

"Right, so you pulled one out of your arse, then, good to know." I sighed, sitting up. "Where are we?"

"Well, it's my house, not sure if you're all too interested in knowing." Missy smiled, patting my shoulder. "Thanks for trying to save me, not that I needed it."

Now I rolled my eyes, flashing golden eyes at her. "Fuck off, Kayls. Tell me, now."

The woman just sighed and got up, turning on the lights to show we were in a hotel room. "Italy, lovely place. Always meant to take you, but I guess your partner beat me to it."

"Husband. a Quarter human, sis. Human wedding counts."  I snapped, getting up and moving around the room. "Take me back to my husband and children, and I'll make sure the Shadow Proclamation don't execute you for what you've done, Koschei."

"Missy. Missy, is my name, if Phi is yours. Seriously though, Ryoko was awesome, why'd you stop being her?" Missy now sat at a dressing table, half with make up in her colours, the other half in mine, all pale but with a lot of blue. Blue was the best colour. "To be fair, Sera, that whole brunette thing, definitely you, a lot better than this blue haired thing." Wait, was she trying to 

Was she seriously just taking the piss out of me? "Like you can talk, what are you, psycho Mary Poppins? You hated the Victorian era, there was nothing  interesting there for you."

"OK, I get rid of the dress, if you get rid of the blue hair." Missy started to fix her lipstick. She was beautiful, but at the same time, she was sort of twisted, like her inner darkness was coming through. "Loving the golden eyes though, like you're a Bond villain. SJ has them too, and Jenny. I've been watching you, keeping you safe for a long time."

Wait, what? "How long have you been back, because you have to have a TARDIS something, you had to to be able to get off Gallifrey. How long have you been watching me, sister?"

Her gaze met me through the mirror. "I never left you, dear little sister. I've been watching, with Melody, poor mite, and when he faked his death, killing you in the process? Oh, that 20 years as Ryoko, I spent a great deal of time watching you, waiting for you to be ready to join me, but he found you too soon, with Amelia and Rory. Your other sister, the one who 'brought out the best in you'. You're such a sap for a lost puppy."

That made me snarl, grabbing her by the throat and throwing her off the stool, my eyes blazing. "What did you do?! What did you do to the Weeping Angel to separate us?! You bitch, you sent me back for so long, I lost who I was, I almost died!"

"Oho, and there it is, that rage." Missy laughed, scrambling backwards. "Come now, I knew it wouldn't kill you, but I had to make way for little Clara, didn't I? You weren't supposed to be like sisters with her too, Sarah Jane was enough and I didn't even kill her. Her body killed her."

"Stop it!" I screamed at her, sending a spark of golden fire at her, and she quickly had to pat it out of her skirts. "I did everything for you, I tried so, so hard to save you, but I thought at least you would be at peace, without the drums!"

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