CHEATING(u) He thinks u cheated PONY

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Pony~u where in class and your teacher had changed your seats which meant u didn't get to sit next to your bf pony your new partner was a soc he was tall had blonde hair and blue eyes and u where obviously not bad looking your self so he was attracted to u he kept asking u for help in his HW all week pony noticed and got jealous all the time but new u loved him till Monday morning when when Josh's (soc) pencil fell in between u two u both went to pick it up✏️when both of your foreheads bumped it looked like a kiss to pony when class ended pony avoided u all day at the end of school he ran out and u both did not walk together like usual u didn't know what was wrong

Pony ~pov~

I can't believe what y/n did to me

I thought she loved me looks like

I thought wrong she prefers that

stupid soc over me  than let her I'll get over it


Pony's acting weird he has not

responded my calls text or

nothing I went to the Curtis

house but Darry and soda said

he wasn't their

To Be Continue .....................

Stay gold

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