Chapter 3

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1 Week Later

     Mrs. Devigne finally called on us to present our papers and, of course, Ashton had to go first. He stood up and flattened his pants in the most proper way and smiled widely in my direction.
Oh no...

"While doing this paper of assumptions about Embry. I didn't have much to go on, but on the first day, when I saw her on the bench, I was scared. I thought she was snobby, too rich to care, rude, and unaccepting. I was far from right. From our sleepovers and 1 am Waffle House conversations, I've learned that Embry is the most kind, caring, intelligent, down to Earth girl in the NYC. I've learned that she hates eggs and SHREK. She loves Punk and Books. Her eyes squeeze shut when she's embarrassed. Her favorite color is blue because that was the color of her mom's mustang which was her first car.   I've learned that she likes her hair flat and hates it curly. She dips her fries in her frosty. I've learned everything. I feel horrible for thinking anything bad about her because God, she's so wonderful. You could tell her the world is ending and she'd smile through it. I'm a mere speck in this world, just rolling wherever the wind takes me. Man, She's a hurricane, changing everything she comes in contact with...including me."

I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Am I sweating? I know I am but is it noticeable. Man...I'm in deep.

"You okay?"

"Umm...what is the correct answer?"

"Be honest...Was I too observant??"

"No no no no! I just...I'm not that interesting, you know?"

"You are interesting though, Embry." He placed his hand on my thigh in such a careful way.

"Waffle House later? It's a Friday, we can stay however long we want. And if you want to, you can crash on my couch...?"

"Sure, I'd love too! Let me call my mom after class though. You want to ride with me? I can pick you up at your house."

"Sure, see you then."

Why does he have to be so confusing? Just cut to it, Irwin.

Later that night

My mouth is dry...really really dry. Why do I get dehydrated when I'm nervous??

"I really really like really really..." Ashton muttered nervously into his coffee mug.


"I really really like you, Embry." He spoke up, but was still bashful.

"I really really like you too, Ashton."

"No, I mean, I want to be able to learn more."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked with a smirk.

"I want to learn more about you. The stuff that makes you extremely happy and extremely sad. I want to learn about your past and learn about the future...with you. I want to be able to do 1 am Waffle House dates with you every time we get the chance. I want to learn how you like to be held and how to play with your hair to make you fall asleep. I really really like you and I really want to learn everything about you. Can I have a chance to?"

I'm utterly speechless. Wow.

"Ashton, I...I honestly don't know how to respond... like are you asking me out..? Or?"

"I'm asking you out, Embry."

"I thought we were honestly dating already..." I chuckled.

"I want and me...official."

"Well of course, Ashton."

A Little Later That Same Night

"C'mere.." Ashton whispered from the couch, stretching out his right arm

I got up and shuffled across the room hooking my phone to the stereo as I went, turning my sleep playlist up. I crawled underneath my grandma's favorite quilt and cuddled into Ashton for warmth.

"Hey..." he mumbled quietly into my hair.

"Hi.." I replied lazily.

"I really really like you...this to be exact...being able to be close to you without being weird."

"'s 3 am..."

"I know, sweetheart."

By now I'm starting to look like Bob from Veggie Tales

"Please sleep..."

"Not until you..."

Soon Kiss me by Ed Sheeran came on and I cuddled into Ashton's chest. I was out like a light.

How did I get a second chance?

Hey Guys! I know it's been a minute but I've had severe writers block. I hope this chapter cures your Ashbry deprivation! Love you guys!

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