Chapter 17 You've Got My Back (Nessie's P.O.V.)

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I wake up as Dinah shakes me by the arm, a confused look on her face.

"Nessie, get up!" she  commands. "Pam went to work, Jeff had to go and help his friend in his garage and I promised them we'll take care of Logan today."

"What?" I ask, half-asleep. "Oh, ok... Gotta get ready then," I yawn.

I get up slowly and go to our closet. Searching for comfortable clothes to wear, I think about last night. I couldn't sleep, so I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea. Then I went back upstairs and... Did it all really happen?! Wasn't it a dream?

"Nessie?" I hear Dinah say. "What are you thinking about? You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," I snap out of my thoughts. "I just couldn't sleep last night."

"Oh, I see," Dinah winks at me. "Get ready and then go get Logan downstairs. Pam helped him with morning routine already. I'll make us breakfast meanwhile."

"Sure," I say.

I get ready and head towards Logan's room.

"Come in," I hear his voice as I knock on the door.

"Morning," I say, entering the room.

"Morning," Logan repeats after me, smiling. "Still sleepy, huh?"

"A bit," I reply. " How are you? Better?"

"I'm still a bit sleepy as well, but my leg's quite fine," he says. "Thanks for making me fall asleep last night. You helped a lot," he adds, smiling shyly.

Confused, I frown at Logan's words. Did I really do what I think I did?! I blush immediately.

Logan notices that I feel uneasy. He blushes, too.

"I'm sorry if I did anything wrong or inappriopriate," I apologize, having in mind my caressing Logan's hand.

"Shh... Don't be. It's okay," he whispers comfortingly. "But for the touch of your hand, I presumably would have had a sleepless night. We can keep it our secret if you wish. I promise I won't tell anyone."

"It would be fine. Thank you," I say, feeling somewhat relieved.

"You're welcome," he replies, winking at me knowingly.

"Would you manage to go downstairs or should I bring you breakfast?" I ask him.

"I think I'll try to get downstairs," Logan says. "I don't wanna be stuck here all the time."

I hand him the crutches, smiling.

"Ok, let's go," I say cheerfully.

Logan gets up slowly and moves towards the door. I follow behind him, ready to assist if necessary.

As we approach the stairs, I see uncertainty in Logan's eyes.

"I'm not sure if I can do this," he says hesitantly, looking down.

I gently put my hand on his shoulder.

"You won't chicken out, will you?" Dinah asks Logan, her voice coming from the kitchen.

Logan looks me straight in the eyes, biting his bottom lip nervously.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, Logan. I know how you feel, I went through this myself. But I'm here to help you. Come on. You have my back, remember," I encourage him.

"Okay, let's try," Logan replies, his voice shaking.

Step by step, I assist him while he carefully makes his way down the stairs.

As we reach the bottom, Logan smiles weakly, sighing with relief.

"You did it!", I exclaim happily.

"No, Nessie... We did it. Together," he whispers quietly.

My Life with Logan Henderson 1 - Love Me, Love MeWhere stories live. Discover now