Chapter 18 Featuring You (Logan's P.O.V.)

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As Nessie and I find ourselves downstairs, we make our way to the kitchen.

"Ah, there you are," Dinah says, smiling. "Finally. Let's go to the dining room, breakfast is ready."

We all move towards the table. Nessie goes first, moves one of the chairs and helps me take a seat, then provides another chair for me to elevate my leg. She's so caring... Not knowing what to say, I smile at her.

We eat breakfast quietly. As we finish, the girls collect the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

"Thank you for the breakfast, Dinah. It was delicious," I say, still sitting at the dining table.

"Oh, you're welcome," Dinah smiles widely.

"So, what are your plans for today?" I ask as the girls sit down again.

Nessie and Dinah look at me, slightly confused.

"Our plans? We're staying with you," Dinah replies, winking at Nessie knowingly.

"Did you really think we'd leave you alone, Logan?" Nessie's question makes me feel uneasy.

"You can go out, girls. I'll be fine. You didn't come to LA to get stuck with an injured idiot, did you?" I point out.

Both girls frown at my words.

"Who said you're an idiot?!" Nessie almost yells at me. "And, as you have noticed, you're injured, Logan. This is why we're not gonna leave. We don't turn our backs on those who need us. Especially on our friends," she says firmly.

"I'm sorry if I offended you, girls," I mutter, looking down. "I just don't wanna spoil your holidays."

"Hey, it's okay," Dinah and Nessie reply in unison, smiling at me.

I smile back shyly, feeling ashamed.

"So... What do you wanna do anyway?" I ask.

"How about getting some fresh air in the garden?" Dinah suggests. "Honestly, you two still look pretty sleepy."

I blush, hoping Dinah didn't find out what Nessie and I were doing last night.

"Sounds fine," Nessie and I say in unison, which makes me blush even more.

We all get up and move towards the back door. Nessie helps me with taking a seat again and there we are, sitting in the sunshine, gentle wind playing with the girls' hair.

"Thank you for helping me, Nessie," I smile shyly.

Nessie looks down.

"You're welcome, Logan," she replies, blushing. " I'm happy I can help you. I know getting used to crutches isn't easy. I still remember walking on crutches myself..."

"Oh, yeah, I remember everyone was confused to hear about your accident," Dinah adds.

"Maybe I shouldn't ask this question, but... What happened?" I can't help being curious.

Nessie chuckles softly.

"Oh, it was a stupid situation... It happened during our winter break in the last year of junior high," she begins. "I was ice-skating and suddenly a small boy got in my way. I didn't want to hurt him, so I turned to the side, but the ice there wasn't as smooth as it should've been... And I fell down, spraining my ankle. I felt quite dizzy at first, but I did two stupid things afterwards... First, I did another three rounds on the rink, and second, I went home on foot as my leg wasn't hurting that much..."

I open my eyes wider as Nessie chuckles again.

"I wasn't as lucky as you, Logan..." she continues. "I ended up in plaster cast for two weeks and I had to walk on crutches for a couple of weeks... And, funnily enough, the leg that was injured was also the left one," Nessie smiles.

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