We're Friends, Sort Of

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Valerie's (To your right ----->) P.O.V

My name, is Valerie Bowles . I'm 17 years old, && I'm different . I'm a cheerleader, but I'm not the average cheerleader . I like playing basketball && football, I'm not scared of breaking my nails or getting dirty .

The only reason I'm actually a cheerleader is because my mom made me . She was a cheerleader all throughout college, I just want to dance . Dancing is so much better than cheerleading . I don't have to hit lines perfectly all the time, and always smile . I hate smiling all the time . It makes my cheeks hurt .

I guess cheering is as close to dancing as I'll get .

But anyways, I have a big crush on this guy Craig . He's amazing . Like, everything about him I love . But he's into bad girls . You know, like the ones you see on TV, the ones always getting into fights, always getting suspended, && always stealing or sleeping with someone's boyfriend .

Normally, I wouldn't change who I am for any boy, but Craig is different . We've never really talked, but we have a couple classes together . && I believe he's interested in me, because I sometimes catch him looking at my ass . :)

The only thing is, we've NEVER had a conversation . I mean never . Not a "Hey" or "Hi" . Nothing . && to make matters worse, my best friend Charmaine is IN LOVE with the guy . && he knows she likes him .

They're friends, with benefits . && she's my best friend . I love Charmaine to death && I would never do anything to hurt her . We've been through everything together . She's my best friend . That's why she doesn't know I like him ...

Charmaine's P.O.V.

So I'm sitting at the lunch table with my best friend, Valerie, && I notice that my boo, Craig is sitting with some popcorn hoe across the cafeteria . I think her name was Emoni . She was sitting by herself before he walked over there . She doesn't really have any friends .

"Ugh . Look at this trick, sitting by MY Craig . Everybody knows we're on the verge on going out . && she's just trying tear us apart ." I said to Val .

She rolled her eyes && said, "Mhm ."

I looked at her, "The fuck is up your skirt ?! Trayvon not hitting you right ?"

She shook her head && sighed, "I'm thinking of breaking up with Tray . We're arguing too much, && I have my eyes on another guy ."

"Ooh tell me all about him ." I smiled .

"Yeah . Me too ." Our other friend Josephine said, sliding in to our conversation .

Val sighed, "You guys, I don't wanna talk about it ."

At that moment, Trayvon walked over to our table && Val stood up .

"Hey love ." he said, kissing her cheek .

"Hi baby . I'm not feeling well, can you drive me home ?" she whined to him .

"Sure babygirl . Go grab your things && meet me at my car ."

"Alright ."

He walked away && she turned to us with an evil grin .

"You're going to his house aren't you ?" I asked her .

"Yup ."

"&& you're gonna screw him aren't you ?"

"You know it ." she smiled wider . I shook my head . She's too much for me .

Emoni's P.O.V.

I don't know why he was here, at this table, talking to me . Nobody really talks to me, && I don't really talk to anyone . But he, he was different .

I mean, we were just talking about our Physics homework . He just wanted to know how to do a couple problems .

"Do you know how to do it now ?"

"I think so ." Craig said .

"Good ." I smiled .

"Hey, um ... you wanna come over my house && do some homework ?"

I had to work right after school, but other than that, I think I could make it .

"Yeah, I'll come over around 4:30 or 5 . I have to work for a couple of hours after school ." I said.

"Oh, where do you work ?"

"I'm a waitress . At Applebees ."

"Okay I'll stop by && pick you up ." he smiled .

"Alright ."

Charmaine's P.O.V.

I saw Craig get up from the table with the hoe && come over to my table .

"Wassup Char ?"

I looked him up && down && started talking to Josie again .

"Charmaine, don't ignore me ."

"Craig, why don't you go back over there with your new hoe ."

"What new hoe ?"

"The tramp you was all cuddly with over there ." I nodded towards her .

"She was just helping me with my Physics homework ."

"Oh ..."

"Yeah . She's coming over my house latter to study ."

"What ?!? She's going where ?!"

"To my house . So we can study ."

"Craig, I forbid you to be alone with her ."

"Forbid me ?"

"Yes forbid you ."

"You can't forbid me from doing anything . You're not my girlfriend ."

I gasped .

"Girls, lets get out of here . I suddenly have a craving for a football player ."

I looked at Craig && slapped him across the face, then walked off .

"Don't you think that was a little harsh ?" Josie asked me .

"Just shut up && keep walking with me ." I stomped down the hall .

"Bitch ." I heard her murmur .

Yeah, && I was one of the baddest ones too .

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