The "Prince" Of The School

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Kallie's P.O.V. (She's to your right)

God why ? Why did we have to break up ? We were perfect together . He was my everything, the love of my life, my first love, my first lover . && all because of a stupid lie .

Okay, let's start from the beginning . My name is Kallendria Harrison && everyone in this school thinks I'm a whore .

See, my best friend, or ex best friend Myriam, ruined my life && stole my boyfriend . I know you guys are thinking, "Why would somebody's best friend so that to them ?"

Myriam is a fucking snake . She thinks I slept with her boyfriend, so in return she slept with mine . But I didn't sleep with her boyfriend !!! It was just one big rumor . && the rumor was false .

So there was this HUGE party, && Myriam couldn't go because she had caught the flu . So me, && my boyfriend Jacob (whom the slut later stole from me) went to the party together .

Her guy had gotten so drunk . I mean he was almost passed out, && I mean, I just wanted to help him . So I took him upstairs to the host's room, to lay him in the bed so he could rest . Then, me && Jacob would later drive him home .

In the process of my good deed, Liam, (Myriam's boyfriend at the time) threw up all over his clothes . I couldn't just let him sit there in throw up soaked clothes, so I helped him take his clothes off .

Then, when I was pulling his underwear down, Jake walks in . He catches me, them dumps me right there . Then, he calls Myriam IN MY FACE && tells her that he caught me && Liam about to have sex .

Ever since then, she's hated my guts . && she's done everything she could to ruin me && my reputation . && on top of that she's dating Jacob now . MY Jacob . && she rubs it in my face every chance she gets .

Like last night, she "butt dialed" me while her && Jacob was having sex . The reason I knew it was Jacob was because she kept calling his name . Then he said she was the best he ever had when him && I both know that was a damn lie considering the fact that I know I put it down better than her .

Anyway, after Liam && Myriam broke up I apologized to her a bunch of times . I did everything to make it up to her && she still hated me . She told the entire school what I did, (or what she thought I did) && now no one will talk to me . So later on, I actually DID sleep with Liam, to take my frustration out on Myriam . The sex sucked, let me tell you . && now everybody thinks I'm a whore, && all my friends believe Myriam instead of me .

So now, I hate her just as much as she hates me . I just wish that Jacob was on my side, cause I really miss him . && it sucks because him && his slut of a girlfriend are in almost ALL of my classes . So I gotta sit in between them as they make love eyes at each other all class period . Ugh !!! Now it's time for World History, I can't wait until this semester is over, then I'll get new classes with hopefully new people in them .

Jacob's P.O.V.

I'm gonna tear my head off if I have to see Kallie again . I know I'm supposed to hate her, && I did, but once time passed, I realized I couldn't . I mean, she did try to explain what happened . && Liam did tell me what ACTUALLY happened . Plus I don't know how this relationship with Myriam is going to work out .

She's really bossy . She complains a lot . && every time I get paid, she going shopping, ON MY CARD . Like, I love her, but damn, I would like to have my own money please !

Myriam && I were never supposed to end up together, believe me . We were never supposed to have sex either . It just happened . && it was amazing to have a girlfriend && rub it in Kallie's face at the time . But now, I don't know how I feel .

Kallie has the same History class as Myriam && I . She sits right in between us . Sometimes I try to get her to look at me, && when she does, Myriam gets pissed && will say some rude shit to her or about her .

Myriam's P.O.V.

I hate her . I hate everything about that stupid little slut . I will ruin her . && if she looks at my boyfriend one more time, I will jump across his desk && choke the shit outta her ass .

I caught her smiling at him, once again && I lost it .

"Bitch do you have an eye problem ?" I asked looking at her .

"Excuse me ?"

"I said do you have an eye problem ."

"No ."

"Well then you must have a hearing problem, cause I clearly remember telling you don't even breathe the same air as my boyfriend ."

"He was my boyfriend first ."

"That's before he found out you were a slut && upgraded to someone better ."

"You're not better than me ."

"Shut your stupid ass up && keep your eyes off my man ."

She shut up && turned away from him . You know I have to keep this hoe in check . She stole one of my boyfriends, && she won't steal another .

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