Chapter 10

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A week later,  they had arrived in Arendale. As the ship docked, Regina could barely contain her trepidation. She had been so excited about this trip until that conversation with her father. She was still happy to travel to another land, but it couldn't mask her fear that this excursion would turn into a war between her kingdom. She could only hope their queen was sane and that her father wouldn't have to declare war. Although, from the way he spoke of his assignment, it sounded almost as if they would try to have the queen assassinated. Regina shook her head as she stared over the railing at the sailors scurrying furiously to successfully dock the large ship. She couldn't imagine her father agreeing to something that cold blooded. Her mother, she wouldn't put it past, but her father was much more kind natured than that.

        A tap on her shoulder derailed her thought process, not that it was a very enjoyable one, and she half turned to see her mother standing behind her. Cora was as usual fully dressed in her role as queen, as was Regina. After a week of nagging, her mother had finally managed to get Regina into a dress. She tugged the top of her dress, feeling extremely uncomfortable with the low cut bodice. She much preferred her tunic and breeches.

        At her mothers pointed look, Regina dropped her hand from the bodice. Cora's expression cleared and she stepped forward to fuss with her daughters dress, returning it to its uncomfortably low position. She knew from experience not to complain about her mothers fussing. It would only result in an argument. One her mother would win. So Regina held her tongue, merely sighing as her mother fussed. It really wasn't that bad as it was actually the only time her mother showed any sort of affection.

        When she was done, Cora stepped back to admire her daughter. She reached up to touch her own perfect hair as she scrutinized Regina's. It seemed to be the only argument she ever lost, the fight to get her daughter to dress and act like she was attending court at all times.

       Really, was perfection that much to ask for? She thought to herself with frustration. She sighed, careful not to take to deep of a breath as her own bodice was quite low. Not indecently so, of course. Cora would never do something to bring criticism upon herself. No, those days were over. She felt the old anger at the injustice she had endured over the years swelling up. It wasn't very strong, though, not difficult at all to suppress. She hadn't had any strong emotion since her marriage. In her own mind, it was better that way. There were no tender feelings or notions of mercy to get in the way of ruling her kingdom.

        She felt a glimmer of smug humor at the thought of her husband actually thinking she didn't know about his 'assignment'. She knew all. While her husband still thought he was the ruler of the kingdom, Cora and the court all knew that she was the one who really reigned. Henry thought he was merely going to assess the  Queens condition. She, though, had a different mission.

         As she led her nearly perfect daughter down the ramp to the docks, she smiled to herself. Soon, she would have more than one kingdom under her thumb.

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