Fried Beef with Punch

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Percy ran fast, faster than he had ever run. It had been one month since he left the Wolf House and he had finally neared the entrance to Camp. He knew it by the attraction he felt. The same attraction that he felt to the Wolf House, but it was many times stronger. Percy ran trying to quietly escape the claws of his pursuers. He hid behind a large tree and climbed up to the branches. One of the few perks that he had gained from living with Pack for long. He was much quieter with all of his movements in the wild and his capabilities of hunting were much higher than he could have ever believed. He climbed the branches and reached a branch thick and strong enough to hold him. He crept up and crouched on it as he observed his hunters. Percy's battle abilities were admittedly weak but he felt one with the wild. These monsters were in his territory and he knew he could take them down. Percy observed the three fiery-haired ladies as they searched around wildly for him.

The demigod looked around for anything he could use as a weapon to take down the dracaena . Soon after he had set out on his search for the haven of demigods Percy had realised he did not have a weapon that could harm the monsters. Till now he had avoided any run through with monsters and the few lucky ones who had caught his scent he had either escaped them or had used his only demigod weapon. The silver darts that Lupa had given him. Well, more like he had stolen them from her cave. But he knew Lupa had left them their purposely for him. First of all, Lupa knew whenever anyone invaded her cave or gods forbid if anyone had actually dares to take something that belonged to her- well may the gods help that poor thing. But he had no subsequent consequences of stealing from the goddess. But those darts too, had turned into plain wooden darts after he used them once.

Percy looked around desperately for anything that could prevent his confrontation from the monsters. His right hand was involuntarily tracing fingers over the scar on his left forearm.

It was something he had always done whenever he was stressed. The scars were a little strange-looking at first sight. It had one long five inched line flowing from the bottom of his wrist. Then there was a small horizontal line cutting it roughly perpendicular but it was a little curved in the middle so it looked like an upside-down smile. Finally there were two lines flowing parallel to the middle but both were curved a little outwards when they reached the top. His mom had told him that he had had the scar from a very early age.

At the thought of his late mother and sister Percy blinked back small tears. He couldn't think of it anymore. He couldn't be weak and vulnerable. He smiled sadly when he remembered that both his mother and his sister were at a much better place, they were in Elysium. Unfortunately as the nine year old got distracted by the thoughts of his family, he never heard the small crack beneath his feet. Before he could even think off jumping from the branch to another, the wood beneath him gave in and he plummeted down face first onto the ground.

As Percy pulled his face out of the mud, he saw the hissing faces of the dracaena hissing at him.

"Hello ladies. I believe you don't have any more of that lovely conditioner you used for your beautiful, fiery hair."

The three fire haired ladies snarled at him in response.

"I will take that as a no."

Percy rolled out of the way as one the three lunged at the spot he had just been.

"No need to get so touchy ladies, there is enough of Percy to go around." He commented as he brushed the dirt of his clothes. Oh how he absolutely loved the enraged expression the three gave, despite the fact that they probably would skewer him in the next minute.

"You, I will kill you. Then we will chomp your bones off and leave the hounds of hell to have your- ahhhhhhh"

The lady was never able to finish her sentence as a giant hand came out of the shadows and grabbed her. Then not a second later another one of those came out and Percy was finally able to get a good look at it. The hands were pitch black and were covered in black fur.

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