Part 4: Tetraforce Theory

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Hey! So, Tetraforce got the popular vote. Sorry to the one person who said Stone Tower. But it was actually a tie until today, when I started writing. Lol. Anyway, I had to do a bit of research on this one because all I really knew about it was that it's about a fourth piece of the Triforce and that it could've been evil and/or belonged to a fourth goddess, such as Hylia.

Anyway, now that I have more information on it, let's discuss the Tetraforce! There are a ton of theories about it, so I'm gonna just discuss them individually in parts. And I know this theory was denied by Nintendo, but it's still fun to talk about.

Oh, btw, I have something important at the end, so if you usually just read the theory and nothing else, look at the end when you are done. ¡Gracias!

Tetraforce Theory Part A: Origin of the Theory and Why Is There a Fourth Triangle On a Shield?

Many, many, many people say that they came up with the Tetraforce theory because of OoT adult Link's shield (and I think a couple of other shields, too). Basically, everyone went crazy when they saw the upside-down fourth triangle under the crimson loftwing design on the shield. I haven't really seen or heard any other origins, so we will use this one.

Anyway, people speculate that there could be a fourth piece of the Triforce because of this. One theory suggests that the upside-down triangle under the loftwing is evil, and that the giant bird is protecting the Triforce from it. So, why would it be protecting the Triforce? There hasn't been anything else said about it, so I'm going to think of something...and now I've got something.

Sometime around the events of Skyward Sword, let's say during the war between Hylia and Demise, there was a fourth piece of the Triforce that could've represented the evil of Demise (supporting the theory that it was an evil piece) and the Triforce reperesented the good of the three goddesses and the goddess Hylia. They went through the war, and Hylia barely won. She then decided to be reborn as a mortal, losing away her title as a goddess, and picked a hero to finally seal away Demise, which would be Link. Later on in SS, Link obtains the whole Triforce and seals Demise away, along with the evil fourth piece, and saves what is later known as Hyrule. People then recognize his deeds, and because Link's loftwing is a rare crimson loftwing, people designed shields, in memory of Link's accomplishments, with a crimson loftwing that represents Link protecting the holy Triforce, represented by either Hyrule or maybe the Goddesses, from the evil upside-down fourth piece, represented by Demise.

Part B: A Fourth Goddess

Now, completely scratch the idea that the fourth piece is evil and say it belonged to a fourth goddess, and for this idea, we're going to go back to my theory above and say it was Hylia's instead of Demise's. So, what if the piece had belonged to Hylia? When she decided to become a mortal, she could have upset the other three goddesses, being Din, Nayru, and Farore. Since they created the original three, they took away her fourth piece out of anger for Hylia becoming a mortal and got rid of it forever.

Other theories suggest the Goddess of Time mentioned in MM, but it confused me too much, seeing that Terminians don't exactly...worship the Triforce (that's a theory, though. Why Terminians hate the Triforce, that is. It actually goes along with the Stone Tower theory.)

Part C: The Triforce of Shadow

This goes back to the fourth piece being an evil piece. All the other three pieces have a name: Triforce of Power, Triforce of Wisdom, and Triforce of Courage. So this theory gives it a name of Triforce of Shadow and the theory of the creation on Dark Link. This comes from the fact that there is an upside-down triangle on the Shadow Medallion in OoT. Because Dark Link is pretty much the opposite of Link, he could posses this Triforce of Shadow. That's all I really have for that.

Anyway, if you have any kind of speculation about the Tetraforce, post it in the comments :D There are a TON more theories on this, but a lot of them don't make sense to me, so I did some of what I did understand.

Anyway, first, pick which one you want to see next!

-Stone Tower Temple (people keep wanting this, but it hasn't gotten the popular vote yet, but keep trying if you want it)

-Feirce Deity Link (aka Oni Link) (suggested by Lovely girl 10)

-Dark Interlopers

Now, for the important thing! I have come up with a new segment of Theories! Thanks to leumas797, who helped me come up with this, I have a great idea. So, people come up with original theories all the time. Do you want your theory to be known? Well, tell me an original theory that you have come up with, and I will post it IN THE CHAPTER with your request. In the case of multiple requests, I will pick my favorite (and sorry if your's doesn't get picked :/ ). You can only post one theory per part/chapter, whatever you want to call it. It can also be about whatever you want. It doesn't have to be about the part/ chapter.

And because leumas797 came up with his own first and helped me come up with this idea, here is his theory called "Midna's Puppy".

btw, leumas797 is from fanfiction (.net). I have readers from both fanfiction and wattpad (.com), so I will specify where the person is from.

Now, here is leumas797's orignal TP theory, "Midna's Puppy".

"My theory is that before the events of Twilight Princess, Midna was bored/lonely with being the princess and all and her advisors sought to give her a pet/friend. And, with all these legends of a man who would become a beast when shrouded in shadows seemed like the perfect idea for a pet/friend, they set it up so that it would seem like Midna would be "overthrown" by Zant and in turn, meet Link. In the beginning, Link really was just like a pet. She didn't treat him as her equal and he was forced to obey all of her commands. But through the course of Twilight Princess, she came to the conclusion that he was too much of an effort to keep, or she had a change of heart and such, leaving him and the world of light behind, letting her puppy go stray."

Anyway, make sure to pick a theory that you want, and tell me an original theory (about anything zelda related, obviously) if you would like me to post it in the next part/chapter. Don't forget to tell me anything about the Tetraforce, either. And until next time, ¡adios!

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