Part 7 - Stone Tower Temple

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The most popular vote this time was the Stone Tower Temple!  After a while of putting it up on the list of theories (because it was always a runner up), it finally made it onto its own part.  

The Stone Tower Temple has always been on of the most interesting temples in my opinion.  Though, admittingly, I have never played that part of Majora's Mask, I have seen people play it online and in real life.  I mostly became interested in it when I was watching Chuggaconroy play MM and he starting talking about a few theories he had heard on the temple and the surrounding area. Why was it built?  Does it have a purpose for being there? 

Part A: Religious reasons?

One of the most interesting theories I found was about how the Stone Tower Temple could be a direct reference to the Bible's Tower of Babel.  For those who may not know, the Tower of Babel is a tower that people tried to build in biblical times to reach God and Heaven.  However, God didn't like that idea and confused them so they couldn't understand each other, therefore, never being able to finish the tower (and that's why there are different languages, according to the Bible).  

Though, on the other hand, there really isn't a backstory for the Stone Tower Temple.  It's basically just....there.  A theory floating around is that it was built to reach the Goddesses of Hyrule.  Yes, of Hyrule, not whatever higher power Termina has (unless the Goddess of Time is it).  It makes a little bit of sense, though, because if you get just the right angle on those blocks outside of the temple, you can see that the faces on said blocks are licking the Triforce.  The last time I checked, Termina doesn't have anything to do with the Triforce...

...Unless they wanted to shame it.

So, it's never actually stated whether Termina is a real place or a parallel universe.  But, in this case, let's say it was an actual place bordering Hyrule.  Let's say that Terminians and Hylians never actually got along for religious reasons.  They each have their seperate Gods and Goddesses, and both were trying to prove that their's were better than the others.  So, maybe one day, to prove Hylians wrong, Terminians started to build what would be known as the Stone Tower Temple so they could shame the Goddesses of Hyrule.  More importantly, what if those Terminians were from the Ikana Kingdom?

While you're heading towards Stone Tower Temple, you have to do a few things in Ikana Canyon and its kingdom.  You learn about the complications between them and the Garo, which come form an unnamed enemy nation.  What if the Garo were a secret group from Hyrule that were constantly bugging the Terminians, and ended up fighting the Ikana army?  The Garo could have come up after hearing about the tower being built, and were possibly sent to stop them.  This may have caused the people in Ikana to hate everything that Hylains loved.  One of those things being light, like how the Twili in Twilight Princess weren't very fond of it.  Therefore, they started to love everything opposite.

My proof of this is when you fight Igos du Ikana.  Here is how the start of the battle goes.

"Oh, insolent one who has brought the unthinkable into a land as dark as Ikana...My servants have fallen namelessly before the light that guides you.  However...The darkness in which my servants live is, after all, fleeting.  You shall see with your own eyes...just what kind of thing true darkness really is."

Let's start with the first sentence.  Remember how I said that maybe while being in a war with the Garo, who might have come from Hyrule, the Terminians from Ikana started hating everything the Hylians loved, including light.  Igos mentions that his servants fell before the light that guided Link.  What light guided him?  Well, if he's referring to Ocarina of TIme, there's Navi, who is literally glowing.  Then there's also the fact that she helped Link extinguish the darkness that was covering Hyrule.  Another thing that Igos could be referring to is the Triforce, which seems more likely to me.  I'm not sure whether or not Link possesses the Triforce of Courage throughout Majora's Mask, since he's only seen with it in Ocarina of Time AFTER he goes forward 7 years in time.  Anyway, Igos most likely noticed that Link was Hylian (I can't think of how, but bear with me) and he knew what Hylians were all about, aka the Triforce.  If his servants fell before the light, or the Triforce, then he could be referring to when the tower was being built and they were at war with the Garo. 

For the second sentence, he could mean that the darkness within Ikana wasn't there forever.  That is, if you consider the fact that fleeting means short lived or going by fast.  That further proves my point of them starting to hate, not forever hating, the things Hylians love.

As for the last sentence, Igos is most likey showing the hate he still has for the Hylians.

For the first part of the battle, you have to bring the light back into the room, which makes Igos noticeably angry.  It could be a metophor for the hate they have for the light.  After defeating the two soldiers he has beside him, you have to fight him yourself.

After the battle, you talk with Igos.  He mentions that they had been cursed with darkness from the Stone Tower Temple and asks you to return light to Ikana Canyon. Going back to the Terminians who could have built the tower, and assuming they were from Ikana...

They could have been powerful sorcerers or wizards or something (this is also implied by the fact that the temple was built to be able to flip upside down). Those people could have had the deepest hatred for the Garo and Hylains, so they had the tower built and put a curse on it (so it might have been a witch) to spread the hate across Ikana Canyon, and most importantly, the Ikana Royal Family.  After having the light shed on him and his soldiers, Igor could have remembered this happening, seeing as how he mentioned an evil coming from Stone Tower Temple and that all of this was caused from "petty little fights".  This would explain the block faces licking the Triforce on the outside of the tower itself.  

Actually, there's only a part A to this theory.  After doing some more research, it seems all other theories are pointing to this one.  They all seem to point out that it has something to do with disrespecting the Goddesses of Hyrule and it resembling the Tower of Babel.

Anyway, here are the next theories you may choose from.

-Connections between Zant and Majora (suggested by wildface_bluefur of wattpad)

-Ghirahim and Fi connections (it was a close runner up this time) (anyone else bothered by the fact it was pronounced weird in Hyrule Warriors?  Fi will always be pronounced with a short I for me instead of a long I like how they pronounce it in Hyrule Warriors. Speaking of that, it seems I was incredibly wrong with my Valga prediction *sad face*)

-Shadow Temple

The fan theory of this segment is from Jug-Head of wattpad.  Here is their theory:

"Okay, I have a theory.  Ganondorf is Majora.  Think about it, Termina has counterparts of everyone except link (but that might have been explained) and Ganondorf.  Both are embodiments of evil, both fought a Link, and both use dark magic. Both have multiple forms, both have the power to destroy nations,  both used someone to their advantage.  Ganondorf used Zelda, and Majora used Skull Kid."

That's it for this time.  Remember to post a comment about what you think, leave a theory for me to add with the next part, vote for the next theory, or give me a theory to talk about.  So, until next time, ¡adios!

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