Who are We?

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Who are We?

Modern distractions

A populace ensnared

To them it’s normal

For us it’s war

We’re the ghosts

The societal outcasts

The imperfect scholars

The one person army

Yet no one knows

Not about the struggles

Or the daily battles

They don’t see anything

We don’t care

Not about what they think

We don’t feel the need to

There are more important things

We’re the kids that can’t sit still

But all our energy is used up

Fruitless attempts to focus

Wishing we were normal

When our eyes are tired

When our minds are numb

We continue fighting

Traveling this mental warpath

We wake up daily

Fully aware of what awaits us

We know we’ll be challenged

That we’ll want to quit

But we stand tall

We face our demons head-on

It’s us against the world

And we’re determined to win

We are imperfect

But we are who we are

Who are we?

We are the ADHD crowd


      When I wrote my poem Who are We?, the one goal I had was to make the a seemingly imaginary population real. Many people have heard about ADHD, but most don’t realize how close they are to those who suffer from it. Other’s think it’s a joke—something to laughed about. I myself never realized how much of an impact ADHD had until I developed it. My hope is that, by writing this poem, I can make others with ADHD feel less alone and make those who are ‘normal’ more aware of the struggles we face. While writing this poem, I focused on how ADHD makes me feel and used that to create a poem addressing the population, from us. And who is this ‘us’? We are the ADHD crowd.

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