Chapter Five

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The next morning, I had to work.  Before I left, I apologized to Leah for leaving yet again, and promised that I would hang out with her later.  That left her pleased, and I was actually looking forward to spend time with my sister.  I’d like to say that I was because I was warming up to my sister, but in reality I was happier because of Louis.  I still didn’t know what we were yet, not really friends, but I was attracted to him. 

            The first few hours of work were tiring; the morning crowd was busy as usual.  It was just Kenna and I that morning, making it my first official day on the job, having completed my training.  I worked the cash register for the first half of my shift, which was riding a bike, doing the same motion over and over again.  I was getting tired of asking how people were and telling them to “have a great day!” *wink*. I’m not a very enthusiastic person, and I hated putting on a happy face and acting like Leah would.  It is exhausting, and I give mad props to Leah and Em for being that way all of the time. 

            During my lunch break, I heard music coming from downstairs.  I asked Kenna if there was a band playing, and gave a sly smile.  “No, but I think you’re going to want to check it out down there.”

            I gave her a confused look, wondering what she was talking about.  As I walked down the stairs, the music got louder.   I could tell that it was only a piano, but the melody was familiar.  It took me a second to realize that it was “How To Save a Life” by The Fray, who were one of my favorite bands.  The downstairs looked so amazing.  I had never seen it decorated for when we had a performer, and it was really something.  There were circular lights going across the ceiling, giving it an Italian vibe.  The stage was small, but with the lights, it looked like a romantic evening show, with tables surrounding it where people could watch. 

            At the piano was the greatest thing of all, in fact, it made me lose my breath.  Sitting there behind the black-keyed beauty was Louis.  He was the mastermind behind the beautiful melody I had just heard, and he was playing it so passionately that I thought I might melt just by watching him. 

            Once the song was over, everyone clapped.  I seemed to be unable to move my hands together, paralyzed by the surprise.  One mystery about Louis solved: he could play the hell out of a piano.  Louis smirked and nodded his head, meaning to thank his audience.  That’s when he noticed me there with my jaw dropped.  His smile widened of course, and said “Hi, Abrie.” Into the microphone.  I raised my eyebrows and gave a wave back, and noticed that everyone in the room was staring at me.  “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Abrie, the newest member to the Co Co family.” Louis said, and everyone said hello to me in unison.  I blushed with embarrassment, not liking to be the center of attention. 

            “I’m going to play one more song, then take a quick break.” He announced, and I felt myself move into a seat.  Suddenly, music filled the room and I was mesmerized once again.  This time, he was playing “Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing” by Aerosmith.  He didn’t sing, yet there was no need to.  He was such a skilled pianist that he played the melody and the harmony easily, and turned a rock ballad into a more sophisticated piece of music.  I sat there wide-eyed and with hand cupping my chin, in awe. 

            Once the song was over, he came over to me a shrugged, like my new discovery was no big deal, like his piano playing was nothing special.  I, on the other hand, felt the complete opposite. 

            “So…” he said, putting his hands in his pockets and looking at the floor.

            I playfully hit his arm, smiling.  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you could play piano! Not just play it, but be a master at it!”           

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